Welcome back! I have marked all of your end of module exams... Have a look at your paper and see where you did well....or not so well. On your post-it note the 3 areas you feel that you need to revise/re-visit.
Recap Last lesson... Analyse reasons why teenagers often give up on participating in physical activity and following an active, healthy lifestyle. (6marks)
Mark Scheme... 1 Health reasons/injury - perceived inability 2 Disability - external prejudice and internal lack of motivation 3 Discrimination - loss of self esteem 4 Peer pressure - needing to be part of a group 5 Cultural/religious factors - wanting to conform/beliefs 6 Other pressures from other interests/hobbies - low status of physical activity/healthy lifestyle 7 Lack of confidence - stay within acceptable comfort-zone 8 Lack of parental support/role model - no-one to push them and to show them the right road or modelling of poor behaviour 9 Lack of opportunity - lack of access.
Learning Objectives... 1)Understand the role of the school curriculum in promoting healthy and active lifestyles. 2)Be able to use examples of HOW a school promotes healthy and active lifestyles.
LO1 Participation in Schools How does Edgecliff promote healthy and active lifestyles to its students and staff?
LO1 Participation in Schools OCR want you to remember the following National curriculum/lessons in PE/educating about benefits 2 Examination courses/national qualifications 3 Teachers being role models/using/visits by external role models 4 Coaching courses/qualifications 5 Extra curricular clubs/activities 6 Sports teams 7 Links with exercise clubs/sports clubs 8 Promotions/leaflets/healthy eating days/posters 9 Canteen having healthy food available/no junk food/vending machines for junk food.
LO2 How does Edgecliff improve your key processes? What are the 5 key processes?? Developing skills (e.g. motor skills)....Example? Making and applying decisions (e.g. in role of an official)....Example? Developing physical and mental capacity (e.g. in role as a leader)....Example? Evaluating and improving (e.g. technique in a physical activity)....Example? Making informed decisions about lifestyle (e.g. following relevant guidance on amount of exercise and diet)....example?
Exam Style Question... Identify three ways that examination courses help to develop skills in physical activity. (3 marks)