CH 5 LESSON 3 Guidelines for Healthful Eating
Dietary Guidelines for Americans Recommendations about food choices Created by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) New Version Published in 2010; 7 th edition Document Document
Keys to a healthy lifestyle Make smart choices from EVERY food group Variety of fruits Vary your veggies Half your grains should be whole Eat lean meats and proteins Eat calcium-rich foods
Keys to a healthy lifestyle Balance Food and Physical Activity Aim for a healthy weight Be physically active for 60 everyday or most days Calories in=calories out
Keys to a healthy lifestyle Getting the most nutrition from your calories Amount of food should be related to activity level When making food choices consider your activity level…how many calories will you use that day? You can use up your daily calorie allowance on one or two food items…make smart choices
My Plate New Nutrition Guidelines Adopted last year, in place of the my pyramid USDA’s website Portion sizes, balanced meals
Understanding serving sizes Americans eat too much food Need to understand portions and servings ways-to-measure-perfect-portion- sizes/pictures/index.html
Everything in MODERATION Fats No more than 30% calorie intake Should come from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils Eat less saturated fat Sugar Read ingredients labels anything ending in –ose Limit intake of foods high in sugar and nothing else nutritious Salt Less than 150 mg in any one food Taste food before you salt it Choose fresh fruits and veggies often
Tips Eat Breakfast Most important meal of the day Jump start metabolism Nutritious snacks Nutrient dense foods! Keep them small Smart choices at restaurants Salads Grilled or baked foods Lunch portion share