Effective Volunteer Management: Compiled by Kelly Thoes, term TMC Chicago - New Life Centers of Chicagoland A basic guide for volunteer coordinators in non- profit organizations + A handbook designed for New Life Centers of Chicagoland’s volunteers
Project Overview I began as a volunteer myself in I recruited and coordinated volunteers during my TechMission term and we needed something more formal to distribute. Basic Guide for Volunteer Coordinators Long-term Volunteer Policies and Procedures One-time Volunteer Policies and Procedures Documents Volunteer Handbook designed for New Life Centers
Basic Guide for Volunteer Coordinators in Non-Profits Long-term Volunteers: Policies and Procedures 1. Setting and communicating expectations Goals, gifts of volunteers, typical day, description, questions 2. Application process and background checks Application, references, background check 3. Orientation Tour, supplies, paperwork 4. Policy for poor behavior/performance Verbal warnings, written documentation, termination 5. Debrief Overall, things to change, questions 6. Follow-up lists, mailings, thank you notes, other opportunities
Basic Guide for Volunteer Coordinators (cont.) One-time Volunteers: Policies and Procedures 1. Prior research Time, number, organization, wishes 2. Setting and communicating expectations + Orientation Sharing vision, schedule posted, tour, policies, question 3. Process/activity Description posted, “if done” list 4. Debrief Highlights, questions 5. Follow-up Future communication, valuable resource Recruitment suggestions Specific roles, colleges/high schools, community, websites
Useful Documents Sample to volunteer Volunteer application Illinois non-DCFS background check Volunteer Handbook for NLC Welcome letter Organization background and mission Current programs Volunteer position descriptions Rules and regulations (policy) Volunteer application Staff contacts