Revival Programme of the Agricultural Sector in The Democratic Republic of Congo David M. BUGEME, PhD Advisor in charge of Agricultural Production and Agronomic Research OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER Kinshasa/DRC May 2013 FANRPAN/Pretoria/South Africa
PROBLEMATIC 80 Millions Ha of arable lands but 4-5% in use 70% of the population in agricultural sector Poverty and Food insecurity Deficit/lack of professionals OBJECTIVES Increase production and improve the Congolese population livelihoods reduce poverty and food insecurity
STRATEGIES Implication of the Government under the leadership of His Excellency Mister the Prime Minister Allocation of funds to support : small-scale farmers under “FARMING CAMPAIN” programmes ; agricultural innovations ; Congolese “Young” Entrepreneurs in agriculture sector ; Universities and Research centres ; Creation of “Agro-Industrial PARKS” Promotion of export crops Improving the business climate by reviewing the agricultural policy : reviewing the agricultural law tax exemption on agricultural inputs and equipments
WAYS FORWARD Reinforce collaboration Improve research quality Human and Institutional capacity building programmes Development of exchange programmes Encouraging potential investors to invest in DRC From FANRPAN : Involvement of the DRC Government in “all” the FANRPAN activities/projects development of “JOINT AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES ” between DRC and other FANRPAN country members.