1 Luso-descendants and the importance of uniting: Challenges of those who stay and those who “return” Emmanuelle AFONSO / OLD / 14 September 2011 Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes
2 Introduction I/ Constatation: interrogation, research, challenge (“market analysis”) II/ Action: (OLD) Observatório dos Luso- Descendentes (“Plan of Activities”) Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes
3 5 million left Portugal up until maintained up to What is the reality including Luso- descendentes? 1-Questions Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes
4 Portugueses emigrants in the world 묨 (Fonte: Observatório da Emigração, valores arredondados) Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 1-Questions
5 Every family has at least one family member emigrated. At least 50% of Portuguese population outside of Portugal (now growing) Luso-descendants in Portugal – numbers growing: how many? where? why? From where? Doing what? what qualifications? 4 deputies represent them.... only now do we start talking about the ‘new highly skilled descendant generation” Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 1-Questions
6 Terminologies still used Emigrants “Luso-descendentes” “Communities” Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 1-Questions
7 (for all) Identity, double belonging, lived duality Dual citizenship threatened? -> active roles in the 2 countries (economic, political – double-militancy, cultural,...) -> question of justice, equal rights. -> richness of biculturalism -> better understanding among people, fraternity, peace. -> openness to the world. 1- CHALLENGES Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes
8 (for those who want to connect to Portugal) Cavaco Silva (8 de Junho de 2011) stated: «we have to take advantage of the strong entrepreneurial spirit in the portuguese diaspora” «turn easier the comunication channels so that they can feel motivated to invest in Portugal». «when they try to create employment and prosperity in their country, they face ununderstandable rules, unacceptable deadlines and inadequate treatments». Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 1- CHALLENGES
9 (for those who want to “return”) language diplomas studying Jobs Names (compulsive translation of names at the foreign consulate offices before 1982) isolation in certain regions Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 1- CHALLENGES
10 since June 10th, 2010 On the “day of the Portuguese Communities”, the association Observatório dos Luso- descendentes (OLD) is born. 2 - ACTION Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes
11 Objectives of the Observatório dos Luso-Descendentes? Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 2 - ACTION
12 Identify, unite, represent and help the sons and daughters of Portuguese emigrants (luso-descendentes) who wish to return Portugal or who reside in the Diaspora and want to maintain ties with Portugal. Plataform for luso-descendentes through out the world and facilitator of integration and relations between luso-descendants and ancestral homeland. Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 2 - ACTION
13 Non-profit, non-political, of positive citizenship by and for luso-descendants in Portugal and abroad aiming to carry on ‘Portugueseness’ (identity and culture) across generations. Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 2 - ACTION
14 Innovative and unique project. Many association types existed in the Diaspora for Portuguese abroad (recreational, cultural, religious, sports, folklore, language teaching,...), but non in Portugal making the bridge between “here and there“ considered of benefit to Portugal, especially in social, economic, cultural, touristic and political areas (Geopolitical interest for Portugal) Necessary, yes, for it is time to consolidate relations. Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 2 - ACTION
15 20 founding members from France, Brazil, Switzerland, Luxembourg, South Africa Diverse professions Non-profit organization contacts on Facebook Portal of welcoming and sharing Generate knowledge and provide services for luso-descendants Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 2 - ACTION
16 Organisational structure: Blog / Site Communication Image Information Social networks -Institutional partnerships -Private partnerships Events Culture Portuguese language teaching International network Transversal help Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes 2 - ACTION
17 CONCLUSION those who depart and those who return need support to cultivate their identity and OLD aims to facilitate these needs. we also challenge all researchers who aim to work on these themes. and because ‘union makes us stronger’, together we will help cultivate our Luso identity beyond boarders, across generations... to create a network of assistance which is also needed in Portugal: it’s a question of“interest”, and not “moral duty” Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes
18 The portuguese people is, in its essence, cosmopolite. A real Portuguese person has never been Portuguese, but everything.” Fernando Pessoa in “Portugal Entre Passado e Futuro” Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes
19 Obrigada and welcome to (divulgate) OLD ! Facebook: Site: Twitter: M76: rua dos Remolares, Lisboa Tel Fax Observatorio dcos Luso-Descendentes