C ARMEL E LEMENTARY S CHOOL Fourth Grade Curriculum Night
O UR F OURTH G RADE T EAM th Grade Teams Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Karel, and Mrs. Elliott Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Burt Mrs. Lord and Mrs. Maugans Asst. Principal: Dr. Green
C URRICULUM Teachers teach the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) Standards can be located at Core/Pages/default.aspx Can browse by various content areas Reading/Language Arts skills will be imbedded within the Science/Social Studies curriculum to reinforce skills taught in Reading class. Look for writing to take place in all areas of curriculum. “Learning Focused” principles used at Carmel
4 TH G RADE E NGLISH L ANGUAGE A RTS CCGPS Equal Balance of Nonfiction and Literary Texts Reading Standards (Nonfiction and Literary Texts): Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Reading Foundational Standards: Phonics/Word Recognition, and Fluency Writing Standards: Text Type and Purposes (informative/explanatory, opinion, and narrative), Production and Distribution of Writing, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Range of Writing Speaking and Listening Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Language Standards: Conventions of Standard English, Knowledge of Language, and Vocabulary Link to ELA Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Core/Common%20Core%20Frameworks/CCGPS_ELA_Grade4_Standards.pdf
T EXT COMPLEXITY AND L EXILE LEVELS A Lexile measure gives valuable information about a child’s reading ability OR difficulty level of a text. When your child reads within their Lexile range, he/she is likely to comprehend enough of the text, while still being sufficiently challenged. While Lexile measures target the difficulty level of a text, it does NOT measure the appropriateness of the content. A ball park range for 4 th grade CCGPS would be starting the year at 770 and ending the year at the high end of 875.
M ATHEMATICS Seven Units of Instruction Whole Numbers, Place Value, Rounding Fraction Equivalents Adding and Subtracting Fractions Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Fractions and Decimals Geometry Measurement
8 S TANDARDS FOR M ATHEMATICAL P RACTICE Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
S OCIAL S TUDIES United States History (up to Civil War) Native American Culture European Exploration in North America Colonial America The American Revolution The New Nation Westward Expansion Personal Finance
S CIENCE Ecology Weather Space Simple Machines Forces and motion Light and Sound Environmental Conservation
W HAT T ESTING W ILL MY F OURTH G RADER H AVE T HIS Y EAR ? Fourth Graders will take the CogAT test. (Group administered cognitive abilities test) Milestone Test in April More information to come No Georgia Writing Test
W HAT SPECIAL “ OPPORTUNITIES ” WILL MY CHILD HAVE IN FOURTH GRADE ? School chorus Safety Patrol (selected at end of year) Ambassadors (selected at end of year) Town Hall Crew (selected at end of year) Academic Bowl Team Running Club Reading Bowl Science Olympiad
W HAT ARE MY CHILD ’ S RESPONSIBILITIES THIS YEAR IN FOURTH GRADE ? Complete class work Participate in discussion and learning in class Complete homework (Mon-Thurs) Write assignments in agenda Communicate with parents about learning Ask parents to sign his/her agenda Keep binder organized with all notes and assignments saved.
W HAT ARE MY RESPONSIBILITIES AS A PARENT ? Check over my child’s homework Assist your child with preparing for tests Sign the agenda daily Communicate with the teacher about any concerns Check teachers’ websites frequently Please do NOT remove ANY PAPERS that are hole punched (these need to stay in their binder).
W HAT ARE OUR EXPECTATIONS FOR F OURTH G RADE BEHAVIOR ? Adhere to the Four Principles: Respect Safety Responsibility Honesty
W E ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO AN A WESOME YEAR. It is our goal to create an educational environment in which students are given the opportunity to reach their full potential, and that the academic, social, and developmental needs of each student are met. Let’s work together, if you ever have any questions please contact us by or phone Together, we can make a difference!