Tutorial 2 Drawing Shapes, Adding Text, and Creating Symbols
XP Objectives Draw lines, curves, ovals, and rectangles Apply stroke and fill colors Modify strokes and fills Transform graphic objects using the Free Transform tool Create text blocks New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS32
XP Objectives Export a graphic for use in a Web site Learn how to use the History panel Create symbols and instances of symbols Organize symbols in the Library panel New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS33
XP Drawing Lines and Shapes Tools for drawing lines and curves – Line, Pen, and Pencil tools Tools for drawing basic shapes – Oval, Rectangle, PolyStar, Brush, Rectangle Primitive, and Oval Primitive tools New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS34
XP Sketch of the Web Site Banner for Jenny’s Oyster Hut New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS35
XP Using the Oval, Rectangle, and PolyStar Tools Common technique for using the three tools – Select the tool on the toolbar – Select colors for the stroke and fill – Click and drag the pointer on the Stage PolyStar tool: used to draw polygons or star shapes The Oval tool can be used to draw a perfect circle Set Corner Radius: rounds corners of rectangles – Modifier is located in Options area of Tools panel New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS36
XP Star Shapes with Different Point Sizes New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS37
XP Using the Pencil Tool Used to draw straight and free-form lines Features common to Pencil and Line tools – Color, height, and style options for lines Pencil Mode modifier New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS38
XP Fins on the Fish New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS39
XP Changing Strokes and Fills Actions performed with the Paint Bucket tool – Modify an existing fill’s color – Apply a fill to an enclosed area that does not have a fill Actions performed with the Ink Bottle tool – Change the attributes or properties of a stroke – Apply a stroke to an object that has no stroke Action performed with the Eyedropper tool – Copy stroke attributes of an object to stroke of another object New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS310
XP Paint Bucket Tool Change color of fill or add fill for enclosed area Using the Paint bucket tool – Select tool from the Tools panel – Select a fill color – Click an object’s enclosed area using tool’s pointer Gap Size modifier – Determines how tool will paint partially enclosed areas Lock Fill modifier extends gradient and bitmap fills across multiple objects New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS311
XP Applying a Fill Color New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS312
XP Eyedropper Tool Copy fill or stroke properties of an object Using the Eyedropper Tool – Click the Eyedropper tool in the Tools panel – Click the stroke or fill whose attributes are to be copied – Click the stroke or fill to apply the copied attributes New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS313
XP Fill Color Copied from the Tail to the Fin New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS314
XP Using Primitive Tools Rectangle Primitive and Oval Primitive tools Create rectangles and ovals that are treated as separate objects You can modify characteristics using the Property inspector New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS315
XP Shapes Drawn with the Primitive Tools New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS316
XP Free Transform Tool Actions: move, rotate, scale, skew, or distort objects Transform entire object or particular stroke or fill Using the Free Transform tool – Click the Free Transform tool on the Tools panel – Select the object you want to transform – Click one of the modifiers on the Tools panel – Drag the bounding box handles to modify the object Modifiers: Rotate and Skew, Scale, Distort, Envelope New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS317
XP Scaled and Rotated Fish New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS318
XP Adding Text Static text block – Text object that does not alter after document is published Dynamic text field – Text object that can be altered after document is published Input text field – Allows user to enter text in form or surveys Create a text block using the Text tool Modify a text block from the Property inspector New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS319
XP Text Tool Creates text blocks for your documents Fixed-width text block – Doesn’t change as you type Single-line text block – Block extends as you type Modify text block using the Property inspector New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS320
XP Text Block for the Top of the Banner New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS321
XP Checking the Spelling of Text Use Check Spelling command on Text menu Configure Check Spelling command before use Features of the Spelling Setup dialog box – Document options – Built-in dictionaries – Personal dictionary – Checking options New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS322
XP Check Spelling Dialog Box New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS323
XP Exporting a Graphic for Use on the Web Flash documents are created in the FLA format Published documents (Flash movies) are SWF files Exporting involves converting a file format – Example: export image in FLA file to JPG format Exporting combines distinct elements into one graphic Image elements are modified in source FLA document New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS324
XP Export Image Dialog Box New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS325
XP Using the History Panel Record of steps you have performed Steps are recorded and displayed Replaying steps – Apply step(s) in the History panel to an object on the Stage Undoing steps – Document-level undo and object-level undo New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS326
XP History Panel New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS327
XP Creating and Editing Symbols Symbols: reusable graphics or buttons Convert an object to a symbol with Convert to Symbol Create a new symbol using the New Symbol command Symbol behavior types – Movie clip (default) – Graphic symbol – Button symbol New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS328
XP Using the Library Stores symbols you create for a document View, organize, and edit symbols from Library panel Click Library on Window menu to view Library Panel Symbol’s icon indicates type and behavior Create folders to group and hold related symbols New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS329
XP Library Panel New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS330
XP Editing a Symbol Symbols may be edited after they are created Options available through the instance – Edit Symbols – Edit Selected – Edit in Place Editing the symbol directly – Select the symbol in the Library panel – Double-click icon to enter symbol-editing mode New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS331
XP Symbol-Editing Mode New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS332
XP Instances of Symbols New symbols are automatically stored in the library Use symbols in your document by creating instances Create an instance by dragging symbol onto Stage Instances may be modified without altering the original symbol New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 833