Course Schedule Report Web Service Carolyn Cracraft Lisa de Larios-Heiman
The Service Queries data in The Syllabus Project Allows user to find all exams and assignments occurring within a date span for specified courses Implemented WSDL-first design Java server and C# client UDDI publishing performed by separate application
The Architecture UDDI Registry Client Service The Syllabus Project UDDI inquiry access pnt request response xml response url query dateSpan & courseListevents for all courses one query for every course events for each course
The WSDL Schema is based on elements in The Syllabus Project schema Provides the single course schedule query service Changed dateTimes to strings and added wrapper class for interoperability with C# Added attribute information for interoperability with Axis URL: urseScheduleReportService_Port?wsdl urseScheduleReportService_Port?wsdl
The Server Served on Apache Tomcat and Axis Java and deployment files generated using WSDL2Java Added classes that parsed the SOAP body for the data span and course list The Syllabus Project is then queried, and the service collects the events Array of events is returned to client URL: urseScheduleReportService_Port urseScheduleReportService_Port
WS-Addressing Handling Implements most basic form of WS- Addressing Expects MessageID, To, Action, and ReplyTo/Address Returns MessageID, To, Action, and RelatesTo Uses default behaviors to generate actions from WSDL
The Client Thick client developed in C# using Visual Studio.NET and Microsoft UDDI SDK and WSE UDDI inquiry ensures correct access point used Creates WS-A header required by server Asynchronously calls service Selectively displays results of query and sorts by date
Client Input Validity Input validation occurs in client: Valid input Dates: yyyy-mm-dd, not yyyy/mm/dd Courses: xxx or xxx-x, not ISxxx Meaningful input Dates: through Courses: participating courses Default query is for core SIMS first year courses and entire semester
UDDI Publisher Written in C# using Visual Studio.Net Allows user to input: Service Provider name and description Service name and description Binding URL and description UDDI registry URL and user id and password Default values are for Course Schedule Report Service Publishes CSRS on Can be reconfigured for general use
Documentation All source code, executables and documentation can be found at: usapp/ws/service.html