4 th Grade Math: Adding Multi-digit Numbers NBT.B.4 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Table of Contents
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Place Value In adding large numbers it is important to line up the numbers by place value Line up the ones in one column, the tens in the next column and hundreds in the third column Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Next Page
Lining Up Places For example, Becomes All of the numbers are lined up with the other of their place value Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Next Page
Carrying When digits in one column add up to more than ten, part of the number must carry over to the next column. Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Next Page
Carrying Digits This process continues for each column in the problem. Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Practice
Question 1 Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides What is A) B) C) D)
Correct! Good job! This problem should be correctly lined up like this: Since there is no carrying, so you simply add each column down. Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Next Question
Try Again The answer you chose was not quite right; try checking that problem one more time Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Back to Problem
Question 2 What is ? A) B) C) D) Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides
Correct! This problem should be lined up like this: There should be a one carried into the tens place, and a one carried into the hundreds place in order to add correctly. Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Next Question
Try Again You’re close, but not quite right. Check to make you are carrying all of the larger digits over right and try again. Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Back to Question
Question 3 What is ? A) B) C) D) Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides
Correct! This problem should be lined up like this: There should be a one carried into the tens place, and a one carried into the hundreds place in order to add correctly. Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Continue
Try Again You’ve almost got it; you’re just a little off. Double check to make sure all of the digits are being carried over correctly and try again. Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Back to Question
Works Cited Number_and_Operations_in_Base_Ten--1 addition1.php?columns=1&col=3&row=6&min1=70&max1=1000&step1=1&list1=&min2 =90&max2=1000&step2=1&list2=&min3=0&max3=1000&step3=&list3=&font=Default &FontSize=14pt&pad=25&ptitle=&Submit=Submit&min6=&max6=&step6=&list6= Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides Continue
Good Job! Through this lesson, you have learned how to add multi-digit numbers! Keep up the good work! Lesson Post-Test Exit Slides