Welcome to Second Grade! Parent Orientation
Monday Folders Please sign every week!!! Please sign every week!!! Folders will contain handouts, graded work, and materials to be signed Folders will contain handouts, graded work, and materials to be signed Each paper with a grade below 70 should be signed and returned, to the teacher of that subject, on Tuesday. Each paper with a grade below 70 should be signed and returned, to the teacher of that subject, on Tuesday.
Absences/ Tardies School begins at 7:50 School begins at 7:50 Students are tardy at 7:55 and should be signed in by a parent in the office. Students are tardy at 7:55 and should be signed in by a parent in the office. Please remember to send in a written excuse any time your child is absent. If applicable, please provide a doctor’s excuse. Excuses must be sent in within three days of the child’s return to school. Please remember to send in a written excuse any time your child is absent. If applicable, please provide a doctor’s excuse. Excuses must be sent in within three days of the child’s return to school. Please note the importance of having your child to school on time. Please note the importance of having your child to school on time.
Make-Up Work When your child is absent, it is most beneficial to him or her to get the missed work. Please remind your child to pick up this work on the first day back.
Parent Portal PowerSchool is an excellent tool parents can use to carefully monitor their children’s academic performance in school. PowerSchool is an excellent tool parents can use to carefully monitor their children’s academic performance in school. Log-ins and passwords are the same as last year. Log-ins and passwords are the same as last year. Please make sure you visit the office during regular hours to obtain a log-in & password. Please make sure you visit the office during regular hours to obtain a log-in & password.
Conferences One or more conferences will be scheduled with all parent/guardians this year. One or more conferences will be scheduled with all parent/guardians this year. Should you have concerns or questions, please contact the teacher to set up a time to meet. You can do this by calling the office, sending a note, or ing the teacher. Should you have concerns or questions, please contact the teacher to set up a time to meet. You can do this by calling the office, sending a note, or ing the teacher.
Classroom Rules Follow all directions promptly Follow all directions promptly Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to self Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to self Come to class prepared Come to class prepared Respect others and self Respect others and self
Consequences Name on board – Warning Name on board – Warning Name + check – Time out in another classroom Name + check – Time out in another classroom Name + 2 checks – Recess detention Name + 2 checks – Recess detention Name + 3 checks – After School Detention Name + 3 checks – After School Detention Severe disruptions – Immediately sent to office Severe disruptions – Immediately sent to office
Parent/Student Handbooks If you have questions about school rules or policies, please consult the Parent/Student Handbook in the front of your child’s planner. There is a tremendous amount of information you will find useful. If you have questions about school rules or policies, please consult the Parent/Student Handbook in the front of your child’s planner. There is a tremendous amount of information you will find useful. The school website contains much of the same information, as well as other important things such as the dress code. The school website contains much of the same information, as well as other important things such as the dress code.
Students have received planners. These can be kept inside the binder and serve as a means of daily communication between home and school. *Signing your child’s planner nightly will help him/her be more responsible for homework and will keep you aware of your child’s behavior on a daily basis. Planners
Other Information Mid-term grades will be written in the planner as a progress report Mid-term grades will be written in the planner as a progress report Quiet Zones Quiet Zones Pride Blast Each Semester Pride Blast Each Semester Students earning an E in conduct in all academic classes will attend the blast. Students earning an E in conduct in all academic classes will attend the blast.
Language Arts Reading, English/Language Arts, Writing, A.R., and Handwriting
L.A. Class Times AM - 7:50-11:45 or PM - 11:45 - 2:40
Weekly Assignments to look for: Daily Language Review Daily Language Review Mountain Language Mountain Language Spelling Words and Sentences Spelling Words and Sentences Story of the Week Story of the Week Story Vocabulary Story Vocabulary
Weekly Quizzes (Count Once) Not Necessarily on Fridays! Not Necessarily on Fridays! Daily Language Review Daily Language Review Vocabulary Quiz Vocabulary Quiz Story Quiz (Multiple Choice and short answer questions.) These will begin soon. Story Quiz (Multiple Choice and short answer questions.) These will begin soon. Spelling Words and Sentences (These count as two separate spelling grades.) Spelling Words and Sentences (These count as two separate spelling grades.)
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards One of the changes with the CCGPS curriculum is an increase in higher order thinking. Therefore, story assessments contain application questions, as well as recall. These tests will begin soon. One of the changes with the CCGPS curriculum is an increase in higher order thinking. Therefore, story assessments contain application questions, as well as recall. These tests will begin soon. Extended Texts Extended Texts Nonfiction Reading Passages Nonfiction Reading Passages Access the standards on: gadoe.com Access the standards on: gadoe.com
Accelerated Reader Library will be closed on Wednesdays for both students and parents. Library will be closed on Wednesdays for both students and parents. Individual AR guidelines will be sent home in Monday folders prior to beginning date. Individual AR guidelines will be sent home in Monday folders prior to beginning date. Students meeting AR requirements and conduct requirements at the end of each semester will participate in a special celebration. Students meeting AR requirements and conduct requirements at the end of each semester will participate in a special celebration.
Mathematics Place Value - Estimation Money - Time Addition & Subtraction with Regrouping Geometry Fractions Graphing
Test DOS Test – Friday DOS Test – Friday Math Facts Test-Friday Math Facts Test-Friday Math Word Test-Tuesday Math Word Test-Tuesday Chapter and Unit Tests will be announced. Chapter and Unit Tests will be announced. Everything counts once! Everything counts once!
Homework Assigned most nights M-W Assigned most nights M-W Thursday night is study night Thursday night is study night May be taken up or checked in class May be taken up or checked in class We will be giving a homework grade once every nine weeks. All students start with a 100. Each time they miss a HW assignment 5 points will be taken away from this grade. We will be giving a homework grade once every nine weeks. All students start with a 100. Each time they miss a HW assignment 5 points will be taken away from this grade. Every night students should review math facts and the DOS. Every night students should review math facts and the DOS.
Science Matter Matter Life Cycles of plants and animals Life Cycles of plants and animals Seasonal Changes Seasonal Changes Pushes and Pulls Pushes and Pulls Energy Energy Changing Moon / Moving sun Changing Moon / Moving sun
Social Studies Georgia’s Past Georgia’s Past Georgia’s Places Georgia’s Places Georgia at Work Georgia at Work America’s Government America’s Government
Be sure to join PTO! Our school’s success is greatly impacted by the level of support demonstrated by our parents and teachers. Our school’s success is greatly impacted by the level of support demonstrated by our parents and teachers.
Thank you for attending and for supporting your child in second grade!
. Thanks in advance for your support!