2014 Band Competition Directions to the Band Competition venue. Captain Bellenden Hutcheson VC Armoury 70 Birmingham Street, Toronto, ON M8V 3W6 (informally known as CHA – Captain Hutcheson Armoury)
To Gardiner Expressway One block north of Lakeshore Blvd, at Third Street.
The main gate to CHA is directly in line with Third Street. Campbell’s Soup is immediately to the East of the gate (big red building). Drive up to the gate, press the silver button and wait for someone to answer and open the gate.
DO NOT PUNCH THE ADDRESS INTO A GPS. GPS will sent you to the Police College, which is the other (west) end of the building.
ISLINGTON AVENUE Birmingham Street
The main entrance is located at the South East corner of the bldg – right next to the Flags There is a access gate from the sidewalk, located near the main entrance, beside the building sign.
1 2 1.Drive up to the black gate, and press the silver button on the stainless steel box. 2.The main entrance is under the overhang beside the flags. 3.As the Toronto Scottish Regiment will be on exercise, there may be no parking available in this area. 4. There is more parking to the northwest of the building. 5. There is NO PARKING in the spots immediately beside the Armoury. These spots are assigned to personnel from the Toronto Scottish Regiment
Entrances The intent is for the gates to be left in the open position for the duration of competition. If, for whatever reasons, the gates are not open….
Front Entrance (Man Gate) Walk up to the gate, and press the silver button.
Vehicle Gate Drive up to gate
Vehicle Gate Gate Interface
Gate interface Press the silver button, and someone will let you in
The area for overflow parking is located in the Northwest corner of the facility. Please ensure that all competition participants and spectators park on the east side of the north lot. The busses can also park in this area. There is limited parking available on the north side of Birmingham Street, in front of the Armoury.
Compliments The Queen’s Colour and Regimental Colour of the Toronto Scottish Regiment are lodged in the front foyer of the Armoury. As such, this area is an ATTENTION area, and not a place to gather. This will be enforced.
Security / Safety As this building is an operational Armoury, there are areas within the building that are out of bounds to all. These area will be clearly marked with signs. There will be signs posted directing participants to practice rooms, washrooms, waiting areas, etc.
Final Words 1)As stated earlier in the week, the busses cannot park on the street in front of CHA....the city is doing water main repairs. The bus will have to pull inside the fence, unload and then move to the northwest parking lot. There will be someone there to open the gate. 2)There is to be NO PARKING in the spots alongside the Armoury. There is an event there next week, and as such, there will be some members of the Toronto Scottish Regiment in and about in preparation, and these spots are reserved for them. There is plenty of visitor parking farther back by the big red Campbell`s wall, and in the Northwest parking lot. 3)Please ensure that all of the pricey, shiny and easy to lose items are clearly marked with your Unit number and element / name and accounted for at all times. I really do not want to donate any more instruments to the School of Music.... 4)There are large locker rooms for changing in the basement. I encourage everyone to make sure they look the same way when you leave, as they do when you enter.
5)For guests/supporters/parents, please do not try to enter the building from the Police College Main Entrance. It will be locked, as the College is closed on weekends. Use the main doors at the east end. 6)If you take and eat your meals at CHA, only the garbage from inside the box lunch goes in the bin. The boxes are to be broken down and stacked neatly on the ground to the side of the bin. 7)I have attached the directions again, just in case you have lost them. As well, the basic floor plan is attached. > > 8)Lastly, the Queen`s Colour and the Regimental Colour are lodged in the Main Foyer of the Armoury. For the most part, the competitors shouldn`t be in that area. If they are, for whatever reason, they need to pay compliments and act appropriately. Final Words