The Oak Ridges Moraine Our Landform Region
The Oak Ridges Moraine is a line of low hills stretching for about 150 km west to east, just north of Richmond Hill.
It’s an area of natural beauty which is being threatened by urban development in the Richmond Hill area.
The moraine was formed at the end of the last ice age when the ice sheets pushed land up to make the hills. Then the ice sheets Melted.
As well as hills, the Oak Ridges Moraine contains forests, Meadows, wetlands, and many kettle lakes. It is thriving with wildlife including deer, coyotes, birds of prey, pond life.
The Jefferson Salamander is a “Threatened” Species in Canada, and is only found along the southern portions of the Niagara Escarpment and the western portion of the Oak Ridges Moraine north of Toronto.
The moraine has many beautiful walking trails.
Many rivers flow north and south from the Oak Ridges Moraine. If the moraine is polluted, then water flowing in the rivers will be polluted also, affecting the ecosystem. Our drinking water also comes from the moraine – another reason to keep it clean and unpolluted.
We see road signs marking the Oak Ridges Moraine. Environmental groups are trying to protect it from too much human development.
The government of Ontario has created a “greenbelt” – that means land on the moraine and other areas where building will not be permitted.
We all need somewhere to live. Should we continue to build houses on the moraine? Should we build malls, factories, and businesses? Or should we protect some of the natural landscape that remains?
Your Assignment: We will create a poster campaign in our school to raise awareness about the landform region where we live – The Oak Ridges Moraine. Create an attractive poster which includes: -a catchy slogan -eye-catching lettering and colour -images, pictures, maps -information points about the moraine to educate about it