Demographics: A Look at Canadian Society By: Auviya Logendran, Jenny La, Emily Clunas, Ruth Ambrocio.


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Presentation transcript:

Demographics: A Look at Canadian Society By: Auviya Logendran, Jenny La, Emily Clunas, Ruth Ambrocio

Introduction Canadian culture is not definitive because it is always changing Immigration brings new cultures and customs, language and beliefs

Canada at a Glance Canada’s approximate population is 34 million in 2011 In 2010, there were more births and fewer deaths and a slight increase in immigration resulted in an increase in Canada’s population by 1.1 percent

Immigration Patterns in Canada Immigrants in Canada primarily come from China, India, the Philippines, Pakistan, the U.S., South Korea, Romania, Iran, the U.K., and Colombia. Annually, immigrants make up 1 percent of Canada’s population.

In the past 30 years, Canada’s population growth has mostly been in metropolitan areas such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver Between 1971 and 2001, the population living in metropolitan areas increased 45 percent compared of rural area growth of 13 percent

Immigration introduces more ethnic diversity One in six school age children living in Toronto and Vancouver has immigrated to Canada from the last ten years New immigrants tend to congregate in Toronto due to its great diversity

The Future of Canada’s Population The life expectancy for Canadians has improved. There is affordable medication, universal healthcare, and social programs that support families that have had a positive impact on the lifespan of Canadians Between the years of , the average life expectancy increased by 20 years for males and 22.7 years for females In 2006, 17% of Canada’s population was under 15 years of age, 69% of people were between the ages of 15 and 64 years, and 13% of the population was over 65 years of age Because of these trends, by the middle of the 21st century, the proportion of elderly people in Canada could double more than the amount of children If this trend holds true, by 2056 the number of children there would be would be reduced to 2.2 people

Over the last 50 years, the fertility rate of Canadians has dropped significantly throughout Canada In 1959, 3.93 children were born to each woman in contract to the 1.7 children born to every woman in 2007 This will have a significant impact on the contribution to pensions and the social welfare programs for many Canadians Because of this, Canadians may need to start working longer or start saving earlier to prepare for retirement

Canadians are having fewer children these days which is contributing to this shift in demographics known as “replacement fertility rate” It is the average number of children that the women of one generation would need to have to result in a generation of the same size Over the last 50 years, the fertility rate of Canadians has dropped significantly throughout Canada In 1959, 3.93 children were born to each woman in contract to the 1.7 children born to every woman in 2007 This will have a significant impact on the contribution to pensions and the social welfare programs for many Canadians Because of this, Canadians may need to start working longer or start saving earlier to prepare for retirement

French and English most used language in Canada other languages are gaining prominence as well Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese), Punjabi, Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog, Russian, Persian (Farsi), Tamil, Urdu, and Korean. Immigration changes the physical landscape of Canada like street signs this shows how different languages and cultures are mixing into the Canadian culture. Ex. British Columbia has street signs in both English, Chinese and Punjabi so its easier for the Chinese and Sikh community to accommodate. Language

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and Heritage Canada are working together to maintain language immersions of various First Nations groups and there are laws that protect Aboriginal peoples’ languages Sections 35 of the Constitutional Act of 1982 which protects Aboriginal rights and the right of enforcement of existing treaties