Georgia Benyk, M. Ed. Pathfinder Ranch Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning
Overview Physical Therapies Mental Health Professional development
Hippo therapy Severe neuromuscular diseases PT, OT, ST American Hippo therapy Association Camelot, Scottsdale, AZ Horse’s Help, Phoenix, AZ Horses with Heart, Chino
Therapeutic/Adaptive Riding Autism Spectrum, MS, CVA, RA, CFIDS North American Riding for the Handicapped Association certification Camelot Horse’s Help Horses with Heart, Chino
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders Individuals, Couples, Families, At-Risk Youth Clinical Psychologist, MFT, LCSW + Horse Handler Hacienda de Contenida-Chino Valley, CD
Treatment Team-Horse, Therapist, Horse Specialist, Client
Team Approach Model
Why use horses in a retreat setting? Experiential learning has been proven by experts to be retained. Experiential learning reveals and improves barriers to self confidence that causes lasting changes that won't soon be forgotten. communication. Provides insight into group dynamic. Provides an appreciation for differences and diversity. Improves personal awareness and focus on communication skills. Provides a motivational learning environment because you are engaged! Teaches empathy and willingness to accept responsibility.
Equine Assisted Learning How is Equine Assisted Learning different from other classes? Aside from the very obvious of having classes facilitated by horses and working outside, the style of communication is completely different. What Equine Assisted Learning is not: * Holding a 'regular' class or meeting 'outdoors' * horsemanship * Riding * Horse Training * Equine Assisted Psychotherapy * Horse Therapy-Therapeutic Riding
* custom, structured learning activities integrating horses in the experience * Thoughtful questions in the Socratic style of teaching * Relying on the intuition, readiness and motivation of the learner for growth * Applied to individual, couple or group participants * Thought provoking, meaningful role playing, problem solving for personal/professional growth * Immediate, genuine feedback from the horses of your motivation, interest, focus and internal dialogue What is Equine Assisted Learning?
Disclaimer EAL not recommended for individuals with vision and hearing impairment. Waiver-participants must sign release of liability prior to class.
My credentials Eagala Certified Kid’s At Hope Certified Trainer 8 years of experience in natural horsemanship Bachelor Degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts and a Masters Degree in Education from Boston State College. 22 years as National Certified School Psychologist, in MA, TX and AZ, working with populations from preschool to high school. Former Licensed Educational Psychologist in MA, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor in TX, Georgia has over 10 years in the mental health field working inpatient/outpatient psychiatric and private practice in MA and TX. Certified Equine Assisted Psychotherapist in 2006 Certified Equine Interaction Professional in 2010
Pathfinder Ranch offers Bully free group classes Bully free individual classes
Example of EAL Extended Appendages Exercise
Metaphors Activities lend themselves to metaphors What does the horse, rope, halter represent? How did the role-play affect participants? What did the horse do? What does that mean?
Training Eagala-nationwide training Certified Equine Interaction Professional Epona-Tucson
Videos of EAL and EAP 8N0FKy_g&feature=player_embeddedhttp:// 8N0FKy_g&feature=player_embedded
Questions & Comments Want to help horses? Volunteer at After the Homestretch Phoenix, AZ