Test Yourself: Introduction to the Courts. Starting with the highest court in England and Wales, put the following civil courts in order of importance:


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Presentation transcript:

Test Yourself: Introduction to the Courts

Starting with the highest court in England and Wales, put the following civil courts in order of importance: County Court House of Lords High Court Court of Appeal

Starting with the highest court in England and Wales, put the following criminal courts in order of importance: Court of Appeal House of Lords Magistrates’ Court Crown Court Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench

Which of the following make up the three divisions of the High Court? Family Law Division Queen Mother’s Division Children’s Division Queen’s Bench Division Family Division Chancellor’s Division Chancery Division

In which two of the following would a criminal trial take place? Crown Court High Court County Court Magistrates’ Court

Which of the following courts has a small claims track? House of Lords Court of Appeal High Court Crown Court County Court Magistrates’ Court

From each of the following choose the correct legal word used in a civil action: prosecute or sue tort or charge guilty or liable prosecution or claimant remedy or sentence

In which of the following courts would you be most likely find a jury? Crown Court Magistrates’ Court County Court Court of Appeal

Which of the following terms describes a case tried in the Magistrates’ Court? Tried summarily or Tried on indictment

Which of the following terms describes a case tried in the Crown Court? Tried summarily or Tried on indictment

Which court is the highest court of appeal for matters involving European Community Law? European Court of Human Rights European Court of Justice House of Lords International Court of Justice Supreme Court

The European Court of Human Rights is responsible for adjudicating in cases involving war crimes health and safety European Community law international maritime law The European Convention on Human Rights

Test Yourself: Introduction to the Courts The Answers

Starting with the highest court in England and Wales, put the following civil courts in order of importance: House of Lords Court of Appeal High Court County Court

Starting with the highest court in England and Wales, put the following criminal courts in order of importance: House of Lords Court of Appeal Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Crown Court Magistrates’ court

Which of the following make up the three divisions of the High Court? Queen’s Bench Division Chancery Division Family Division

In which two of the following would a criminal trial take place? Crown Court Magistrates’ Court

Which of the following courts has a small claims track? County Court

From each of the following choose the correct legal word used in a civil action: prosecute or SUE TORT or charge guilty or LIABLE prosecution or CLAIMANT REMEDY or sentence

In which of the following courts would you be most likely find a jury? Crown Court

Which of the following terms describes a case tried in the Magistrates’ Court? Tried summarily

Which of the following terms describes a case tried in the Crown Court? Tried on indictment

Which court is the highest court of appeal for matters involving European Community Law? European Court of Justice

The European Court of Human Rights is responsible for adjudicating in cases involving The European Convention on Human Rights