Developing your workforce: A smarter approach to learning and development Coventry Cares Launch Event March 1 st 2013
Who are we? Part of Coventry City Council A Skills for Care partnership The local replacement for Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership for Care Membership group open to all social care employers Lead Officer: Hannah Watts Co-ordinator: Martin Lawlor
Why are we here? Approx 9,600 social care jobs in the voluntary and independent sector Ageing population Increasingly complex needs Workforce predicted to grow by 56% by 2025 to meet needs Staff training and development a significant cost of operation Need to develop smarter ways of working
Question 1: What do you feel are the main benefits from investing in employees’ skills? a)Improved morale / lower turnover b)Improved standards of working c)Improved customer satisfaction d)Meeting CQC/ Commissioning requirements e)No benefits f)Something else
Question 2: What is the most common block to sending staff on training courses? a)Cost of training course b)Time involved / releasing staff c)Relevance / quality of training d)Lack of staff commitment e)Something else
How can we help? Our vision: To work with adult social care employers in Coventry to achieve effective, co-ordinated and quality workforce learning and development
What will we do? Administer access to funding for qualifications – Workforce development funding currently available
Question 3: Are you aware of workforce development funding (WDF)? a)Yes b)No c)Not sure
Question 4: For staff achieving a Level 2 Diploma, how much could you claim back from WDF? a)£150 b)£300 c)£450 d)£600
What will we do? Administer access to funding for qualifications – Workforce development funding currently available Provide support to employers to complete National Minimum Data Set Social Care (NMDS-SC) – Workshop on March 19th
What will we do? Work with partner organisations to deliver training and events where appropriate – Based on identified areas of need – Very focused, practical workshops Provide support to employers with organisational and workforce development – Support to develop business plan and workforce plan
Question 5: Do you have a workforce plan in place? a)Yes b)No c)Not sure
Question 6: What is your key strategic priority for the next 3 years? a)Weather the current economic storm b)Grow the business c)Improve standards for people who use services d)Improve workforce skills e)Improve leadership and management f)Don’t know g)Something else
What will we do? Provide support to improve learning and developing opportunities for personal assistants – Working with existing networks Signpost members to relevant training – Will produce a directory of training providers
What will we do? Development of Social Care Learning Forum (
Question 7: Have you used the Social Care Learning Forum? a)Yes b)No c)Not sure
Question 8: What is on the SCLF? a)Information and resources b)E-learning programmes c)Materials from conferences and events d)Local and national events e)Signposting to further information f)Weather reports
What will we do? Development of Social Care Learning Forum ( – More up to date information & resources – Events diary – Materials from workshops – E-learning – Signposting Create a forum where people can share information about learning and development opportunities – Information about effective training – Joint training to reduce costs
What will we do? Provide information and signposting to relevant information, local and national updates – monthly e-bulletin – Social Care Learning Forum – quarterly newsletter Provide opportunities for networking and sharing of good practice
What will we do? Events / workshops planned: NMDS training workshop – March 19 th 2013 Direct Payment / Personal Assistant Networking Event – April 16 th 2013 Disclosure and Barring Information Event – April 17 th 2013 Falls Prevention workshops for residential care home – 5 th & 6 th June 2013 Social Care ‘Have a Go’ Jobs Fair – June 28 th 2013 Direct Payments and Personal Health Budgets Information workshop – 17 th September 2013
What will we do? What about? Business sustainability in the current economic climate Workforce planning – how to ensure we have the right staff, with the right skills, at the right time Meeting the increasingly complex needs of older people in services
What will we do? What about? Facilitate a ‘I Care … Ambassador’ service
Question 9: Are you aware of Care Ambassadors? a)Yes b)No c)Not sure
What can you do? Sign up for membership – No charge for membership 2013/14 – It enables you to access WDF funding – Priority for training / development events – Support for completion of NMDS – Monthly Learning and Development e-bulletin – Opportunities for networking and collaborative working – Information about available training
What can you do? Claim for workforce development funding – Have staff completed QCF units this year? – Get your NMDS up to date – Send us your evidence Sign up for NMDS training – 2 hour workshops on March 19 th
What can you do? Visit the Social Care Learning Forum – – Link to be sent out following event Keep in touch – Let us know how we can support you – Fill in the Membership Feedback Form in your pack – Get involved!
Any questions?
Group Exercise: 1.What are your three key challenges relating to your workforce / organisation 2.How can the CCLN support you with these?