CSLI Advisory Board Feb. 13, 2014 Agenda Call to order Survey Committee report Review of ongoing activities Review/discuss Fall 2013 survey Review/discuss proposed Spring 2014 Survey Any other new/old business Adjournment Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College 101 College Parkway Arnold, MD
CSLI Active Client Projects: Ongoing Coordinating Center Client: Non-profit; helps coordinate health care services for severely ill patients ▫Type of survey: Client satisfaction ▫Methodology: Coordinating Center sends out questionnaire; CSLI receives returned completed surveys. Students call subset of client list to verify receipt and return of surveys; second wave mailed to those needing another copy. ▫N= Up to 2500 – typical completions: ▫Current status: Renewed for ongoing ▫Income generated: $2860 ▫Students employed: 2-3
CSLI Active Client Projects Sarbanes Center – Partners-in-care, Inc. Survey Client: Partners-in-Care as Sarbanes Center’s “Partner of the Year” Project ▫Type of survey: Online – focus on “future of aging” ▫Methodology: Survey Monkey online survey – sample drawn from CSLI Web panel and/or Partners-in-Care internal member database. ▫N= 321 ▫Current status: Completed ▫Income generated: 0 ▫Students employed: (some students were involved with brainstorming topics and questions prior to the formulation of the questionnaire)
CSLI Active Client Projects Queen Anne’s County – Survey of Residents with Failing Septic Systems Client: Queen Anne’s County ▫Type of survey: Mailed (primarily) ▫Methodology: Cover letter sent by county, CSLI sends mailed questionnaire, creates online option, sends tickler ▫N= 390 respondents (1523 surveys mailed) ▫Current status: Survey completed, presentation to county commissioners Feb. 25 ▫Income generated: $5750 ▫Students employed: Monitoring of progress
CSLI Active Client Projects Ratcliffe Scholarship – Survey of Recipients Client: Ratcliffe Scholarship Program ▫Type of survey: Online ▫Methodology: Two online surveys – new recipients, past recipients ▫N= 50+ possible respondents ▫Current status: New recipient survey in-progress; past recipient survey in late spring ▫Income generated: $2500 ▫Students employed: Monitoring of progress
CSLI Recent Student-related Activities 1. CSLI student interns Fall 2013: 1 Hours: vary depending on projects and needs of the moment but goal is to average five hours per week per intern Duties: range from data entry, survey design, student supervision, and telephone interviewing. Usually active in club activities.
2. CSLI student club ◦ Inception: 2006 – designated an official student club. ◦ Organizational structure: Officers include president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, elected at beginning of fall semester. CSLI interns usually chosen as club president/vice president ◦ Budget: Varies yearly– : $800 from student association. ◦ Activities: Various field trips ◦ Annapolis ◦ Baltimore Council of Foreign Affairs ◦ Events with major candidates – 2/7 (Doug Gansler)
CSLI Recent Activities-Public Outreach . CSLI Web site: Posted all new presentations and updates to searchable database (see Candidate forums: Co-sponsoring a county executive pre-primary candidate forum with Greater Severna Park and Arnold Chamber of Commerce (and others) on May 15 at Pascal Center. Investigating role with Republican Central Committee for a Republican only pre-primary candidate forum. Public presentations: Almost 7:30 Democratic Club ( ); Sunrise Seniors ( Newspaper citations: Various articles in Capital, Baltimore Sun and Washington Post about Leopold conviction appeal, Newman election bid, mayoral race in Annapolis, campaign donations, Grasso as council chairman Capital Newspaper: Spring 2014 pilot new relationship with Capital- Gazette newspaper – integrated into survey design phase with the expectation of running stories mentioning survey results.
CSLI Semi-Web Panel Semi-annual Survey and Web Panel Web panel: We have accumulated a total of around 1450 possibly valid addresses. ◦ About 40+ percent of respondents accept request to give addresses. ◦ Response rate typically between 10-20%. ◦ Used with Partners-in-Care project. ◦ Survey committee discussed possible use to test new areas of inquiry or question wording.
Semi-annual Survey – Overview of Fall 2014 Results
Right/Wrong Direction: Spring 1999 to Spring 2013
Right/Wrong Direction –County, State, Nation
Right/Wrong Direction –County, State, Nation by Party Registration
Most Important Problem: Fall 2006 to Spring 2013 Economy continues drop as problem in October 2013
Obama Vote by Right/Wrong Direction: County, State and USA
Most Important Problem: Fall 2007 to Fall 2013
Perceptions of the Economy: County, State, Federal
Cost of living indicators
Other economic indicators
Is there a relationship between income and economic conditions? Values are percentages over or below mean p<.05
Economic Conditions over the next 12 Months Fall 2013BetterSameWorse Unsure/NA Total Economic growth Unemployment Inflation Your personal financial situation
Is there a relationship between income and economic conditions? Values are percent “worse” minus percent “Better” Personal finances and unemployment p=.06
Sequestration and Shutdown
County Infrastructure Priorities: High, Medium, Low Hig h Mediu m LowUnsure/ NA Rebuilding or replacing the schools in your community Rebuilding or replacing the roads servicing your community Providing additional public transportation options to your community Rebuilding or replacing police or fire stations servicing your community Rebuilding or improving facilities at Anne Arundel Community College Providing additional recreational access to the Chesapeake Bay Rebuilding or replacing the police training academy Rebuilding or replacing the current computer and system used by the county Rebuilding or replacing your local library Rebuilding or replacing public parks used by your community
County Problems – Better, Same, Worse over Last Year ProblemGotten better Stayed about the same Gotten worse Unsure/ NA Improving the academic performance of our children Improving the environment Improving the overall quality of life in our County Improving ethics in government Controlling crime Planning growth and development Improving the efficiency of local government Improving the local economy Reducing poverty and homelessness Reducing traffic congestion Keeping taxes low Average
Mental Health Services 16% with experience (22% students) DescriptionAgree Students AgreeDisagreeNo knowledge No answer Services are accessible and easily available Services are affordable Services are high quality Providers are compassionate
Job Approval: Congress
Presidential job approval Fall 2007 to Fall 2013
Trust in Political Parties Spring 2008-Fall 2013
End of slideshow Go to draft spring 2014 questionnaire