IBO Sports, Exercise and Health Science General information
SL group 4 curriculum model Theory Core: 180 hours 2 Options: 30 hours Practical work Investigations: 30 hours Group 4 project: 10 hours
SL Assessment specifications ComponentOverall weighting (%) DurationFormat and syllabus coverage Paper 1 (theory – core) 2045 minutes 30 multiple-choice on the core Paper 2 (theory – core) 3275 minutes Section A: one data-based question and several short-anwer questions on the core Section B: One extended-response question on the core Paper 3 (2 options) 2460 minutes Several short-answer questions in each of the two options (all compulsory) Internal assessment 24
Paper 1 Made up of multiple-choice questions that test knowledge of the core The questions are designed to be short, one or two-stage problems No marks are deducted for incorect responses Calculators are not permitted, but students are expected to carry out simple calculations
Paper 2 Tests knowledge of the core (for student SL) and the core and AHL for students HL A calculator is required for this paper Paper is divided into 2 sections: Section A, there is a data-based question that requires students to analyse a given set of data Section B, students SL are required to answer 1 question from a choice of 3, and students at HL are required to answer 2 questions from a choice of 4. These extended-response questions may involve writing a number of paragraphs, solving a problem, or carryimg out a piece of analysis or evaluation
Paper 3 Tests knowledge of the options Students at SL are required to answer several short-answer questions in each of the 2 options Students at HL are required to answer several short- answer questions and extended-response question in each of the 2 options A calculator is required for this paper
Internal assessment criteria There are 5 assessments criteria that are used to assess the work of SL students: Design (D) Data collection and processing (D&P) Conclusion and evaluation (C&E) Manipulative skills (MS) Personal skills (PS)
The first three criteria are each assessed twice Manipulative skills is assessed summatively over the whole course and the assessment should be based on a wide range of manipulative skills Personal skills is assessed once only and this will be during the group 4 project
The maximum mark for each criterion is 6 Design: 2 x 6 =12 Data collection and processing: 2 x 6=12 Conclusion and evaluation: 2 x 6 =12 Manipulative skills: 1 x 6 =6 Personals skills: 1 x 6 =6 Total: 48 This is scaled at IBCA to give a total out of 24 %
Syllabus overview 1.Anatomy The skeletal system The muscular system 2. Exercise Physiology Structure and function of the ventilatory system Structure and function of the cardiovascular system 3. Energy systems Nutrition Carbohydrate and fat metabolism Nutrition and energy systems
4. Movement analysis Neuromuscular function Joint and movement type Fundamentals of biomechanics 5. Skill in Sport The characteristics and classification of skill Information processing Principles of skill learning
6. Measurement and evaluation of human performance Statistical analysis Study design Components of fitness Principles of training programme design
Options A – Optimising physiological performance B – Pyschology of sport C- Physical activity and health D – Nutrition for sport, exercise and health