Description of the American Lobster It can weigh from 25 pounds to 42 pounds. The average size of lobsters have been decreasing. After 5 years they have molted more than 25 times.
More characteristics They scavenge on the ocean floor invertebrates, such as mollusks or sea worms. They also eat small fishes, alive or dead, and even plant matter occasionally. They have also been known to feed on other lobsters. They have two claws that can approach the weight of the rest of the body.
Habitat They live near the shores of Maine, New England and California. Hides out in holes in rocks. All slow-moving organisms, such as mussels, clams, sea urchins, crabs, starfish, worms and small fish, serve as food for the lobster.
Annual catch. In 1983 the United States and Canada caught over 47,665 metric tons of American Lobster.
Autonomy They have the unique attribute of being able to lose appendages at their own will and then later regenerate the appendages.
Caught by lobster traps usually in depths from 10 feet to 200 feet on the continental slope. Cannabalistic; claws must be pegged. Can molt its shell 12 times its first year, less often after that.