Ice Fishing BY Athena Francis Savoie, Jade Somerville, Rueben Mitchell and Katie McCallum
Ice Fishing Ice fishing is a tradition handed down from the First Nations and is practised in a lot of places. As soon as the ice is thick enough, tiny, wooden shacks are hauled onto the ice. When the shacks are not in use, they are offshore. “Winter ice fish" means to fish by means of a hook and line through the ice.
Equipment -fishing rods -reels -ice test line -bait -bucket to sit on -hand warmers -needle nose pliers -fishing license -identification -compass -ice fishing bobbers -fingernail clipper(to cut the line) -ice scoop -first aid kit -jigs, hooks and spoons
Contests In Ice Fishing, it is a tradition to have contests. Those who either catch the biggest fish or those who catch the most fish are awarded prizes. These contest are very popular.
Dangers You must be sure it is safe to go on the river in winter. The recommended number of inches of ice to be on while ice fishing is 4. For sleds, it is 5-6 inches, 7-12 inches for light cars and 4-16 inches for heavy trucks. Unfortunately, many cars, SUVs, trucks, snowmobiles, and fish houses fall through the ice each year.
In order to be able to ice fish, you must have a fishing license. You need to purchase a new one each year.
Ice and Snow When snow is laying on ice, people think that the snow makes the ice freeze better, but the snow is like an insulator to the ice. The snow warms the ice, causing it to melt faster.
Ice Fishing Fact In the year 2000, people from Canada chose to spend a combined total of 4,489,296 days ice fishing!
Ice Cracking On cold days or evenings, when you hear the ice cracking, it means the ice is taking shape, as the temperature changes. It can very loud!
Season Ice fishing season starts as early as the middle of November or as late as Christmas. It really depends on the type of winter we have and how early in the season the snow and cold temperatures arrive.
Ice Parking You shouldn’t park your vehicle in one spot for too long. Also, you shouldn’t park vehicles close together because the ice can’t take all the pressure.
Less than one third of fish caught from beneath the ice are eaten. More than 60% are caught and then released.
Ice Fishing is a major part of our lives in New Brunswick. It is fun winter activity to help us get through our cold winters.