Acceptable eSignatures on the California Death Certificate
June 2004NAPHSIS June Official Signatures/Names Signature of Embalmer Name of Funeral Establishment (License #) Signature of Local Registrar Signature of Certifier (License #) Name of Attending Physician Signature and Name of Coroner Signature of Embalmer Name of Funeral Establishment (License #) Signature of Local Registrar Signature of Certifier (License #) Name of Attending Physician Signature and Name of Coroner
June 2004NAPHSIS June Embalmer’s Signature Department of Consumer Affairs regulates this industry Signature may be a proxy by using Power of Attorney given to the Funeral Director Department of Consumer Affairs regulates this industry Signature may be a proxy by using Power of Attorney given to the Funeral Director
June 2004NAPHSIS June Name of Funeral Establishment Regulated by Department of Consumer Affairs Only name and license number are required on the California death certificate Regulated by Department of Consumer Affairs Only name and license number are required on the California death certificate
June 2004NAPHSIS June Signature of Local Registrar The name of the Health Officer presiding over the local jurisdiction May be a signature stamp or a typed name generated from an electronic jurisdiction The name of the Health Officer presiding over the local jurisdiction May be a signature stamp or a typed name generated from an electronic jurisdiction
June 2004NAPHSIS June Signature of Certifier The physician in attendance enters the time and direct causes of death The physician then reviews the section for accuracy, attests to the facts, and signs the certification statement The physician in attendance enters the time and direct causes of death The physician then reviews the section for accuracy, attests to the facts, and signs the certification statement
June 2004NAPHSIS June Signature of Certifier-con’t The signature is currently handwritten, in black ink State Registrar requires this entry to reflect non-repudiation The signature is currently handwritten, in black ink State Registrar requires this entry to reflect non-repudiation
June 2004NAPHSIS June Name of Attending Physician If the certifier is different from the Attending physician, then the attending physician’s name is entered onto the death certificate
June 2004NAPHSIS June HighlightsHighlights Proposed methods for capturing signatures with Ca-EDRS electronic death certificates PIN over secure connection from registered location (IP Address) Local registrar, embalmer, physician, Coroner/ME DHS Approved voice print system Physician, Coroner/ME from unregistered connection Fax Signature Process to EDRS Fax Server Proposed methods for capturing signatures with Ca-EDRS electronic death certificates PIN over secure connection from registered location (IP Address) Local registrar, embalmer, physician, Coroner/ME DHS Approved voice print system Physician, Coroner/ME from unregistered connection Fax Signature Process to EDRS Fax Server
June 2004NAPHSIS June Electronic “Signatures” Coroner Medical Examiner Embalmer Local Registrar CA-EDRS-Registered UserID PIN
June 2004NAPHSIS June Electronic “Signatures” Medical Certifier Physician Physician CA-EDRS-Registered UserID PIN Speaker / Voice Identification Fax Signature
June 2004NAPHSIS June The old fashioned way ! (With a modern twist…) Reinsert signed form and print rest Drop to Paper for ink signature Dual Pass Registration Process
June 2004NAPHSIS June