1 Do traits of freshwater species predict vulnerability to climate change? Bruce Chessman Climate Change Science, NSW DECCW
2 Climate change is likely to be the greatest driver of ecological change in rivers and wetlands of the Murray- Darling Basin Climate models generally project: - Increased temperatures - Increased evapotranspiration - Reduced runoff, especially in the south-east - Shift from winter/spring to summer/autumn runoff
3 Likely traits of vulnerable freshwater species Intolerant of higher temperatures Intolerant of stagnant conditions Lacking mechanisms to survive drying Inflexible timing of life-cycle events Small geographic range Specialised habitat requirements Low mobility Low fecundity
4 Management for vulnerable species Protect normal habitats Protect refuge habitats Maintain dispersal corridors Assist dispersal Control non-climatic threats Ex-situ conservation
5 Trends in NSW river invertebrates from as a test of traits as predictors Environmental changes in NSW from 1994 to 2007 broadly mirror those projected by climate models Large quantity of invertebrate data available from river bioassessment projects
6 Invertebrate data 6582 kick or sweep samples from various habitats at 1818 river sites across NSW Identification only to family level, not species Data are essentially presence/absence per sample (non-quantitative sampling)
7 Data analysis Logistic regression used to identify invertebrate families with significantly increasing or decreasing probability of capture in samples taken over the whole State in the period Trends of individual families tested for correlation with their traits
8 Trait 1: thermophily (preference for higher temperatures) Thermophily of an invertebrate family = average water temperature for samples in which the family was recorded divided by average water temperature for all samples
9 Trait 2: rheophily (preference for flowing water) Habitats sampled scored from fast-flowing to still Rheophily of a family = average score of samples in which the family was recorded divided by average score of all samples 5 waterfall or cascade 4 rapid 2 run 1 glide 0 still water 3 riffle
10 Constraints on analysis Family level only In order to detect long-term Statewide trends it was necessary to adjust for extraneous variation associated with: - Shifting site locations (many sites but few sampled often) - Different habitats sampled - Sampling at different times of the year - Changes in sampling methods
11 Overall results 33 families had significantly increasing probability of capture 37 families had significantly declining probability of capture 54 families had no significant trend (mostly rare)
12 Traits and trends Heat-loving families were significantly more likely to have increased Current-loving families were significantly more likely to have declined Increasers Decreasers Increasers Decreasers
13 Conclusions Trends did reflect traits as expected BUT single traits were weak predictors of trend Traits and trends are likely to vary among species within a family and among life history stages Trait combinations may predict trends better than single traits
14 Future directions Consider a wide range of traits Derive traits for each life-history stage of each species (not families) Vulnerability estimates based on combinations of traits rather than single traits
15 Thank you And thanks to all those who collected the monitoring data for this analysis Further reading Chessman BC Climatic changes and 13-year trends in stream macroinvertebrate assemblages in New South Wales, Australia. Global Change Biology 15,