Plate Tectonics Rock Cycle Canadian Landforms Canadian Climate Vegetation & Soils
The two continents that seem to fit together like jig saw pieces.
What is Africa and South America?
Type of ancient evidence of the same plant or animal, found in Africa & South America.
What are fossils?
The name of the supercontinent from 300 million years ago.
What is Pangaea?
Name of the theory developed by Alfred Wagner to explain the movement of continents.
What is continental drift?
Name of the Canadian geologist that proposed the theory of plate tectonics.
Who is Tuzo Wilson?
The type of rocks created when sediments are pressed together over million of years.
What are sedimentary rocks?
Type of rocks that are formed from volcanic magma.
What are igneous rocks?
Metamorphic rocks can be formed from three rock types.
What are igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks?
A name of a common igneous rock in Northern Ontario (starts with G).
What is granite?
The process that rocks need to go through in order to create metamorphic rocks.
What is heat and pressure (metamorphism)?
The largest Canadian landform that covers many provinces and teritories.
What is the Canadian Shield?
The landform in Alberta & Saskatchewan that has a large oil, gas and coal reserve.
What are the Interior Plains?
Names of the three landforms located in Ontario.
What are Hudson-bay-Artic Lowlands, Canadian Shield and Great-Lakes-St.Lawrence Lowlands?
The Western Cordillera covers which two Canadian provinces and two territories ?
What are B.C., Alberta, Yukon and North-West Territories?
The landform found in the most northern area of Canada
What are the Innuitian Mountains
The name for this type of graph
What is a climograph?
In a climograph, the bars of the graph represent this
What is precipitation?
Used to describe the combination of temperature, precipitation and wind that is experienced within a 24 hour period
What is weather?
Climate that is strongly influenced by the closeness of large bodies of water..
What is maritime climate?
The 5 factors that influence climate
What is Latitude, Ocean Currents, Wind, Elevation, Relief, Near Water?
Minerals, Bacteria, Organic Materials, Air and Moisture all form this important material
What is soil?
Soil type found in the tundra region
What is permafrost?
The natural line that distinguishes the boundary between the tundra and the Boreal/Taiga Forest
What is the tree line?
The small Canadian vegetation region that has the greatest chance of disappearing due to pressures of urbanization
What is the deciduous forest?
Name of Canada’s largest vegetation region
What is the Boreal/Taiga forest?