Fellowship experiences Ewald Hettema Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Overview Background My research Career plan Why I applied for a fellowship How I got the fellowship Some considerations How I ended up in Sheffield
Background/Career BSc/MSc in Medical Biology, Free University of Amsterdam PhD, Dep. Biochemistry, University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center (1998) Postdoc in same place (June 2000) Postdoc in Cambridge (Oct Jun. 2004). Career development fellow (2004, MBB)
My research Molecular Cell Biology –How organelles are formed and maintained in eukaryotic cells –Yeast as model system –Medical relevance –Expertise: genetics, molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry –Extend research to animal cells
Career goal Become a leader in the field Postdoc in prestigious place –Got own funding for doing Postdoc –Get High-Quality papers regularly Set up own group in a good place Become established (work in progress)
Why I applied for a fellowship Set up own group Two career options: lectureship or fellowship Fellowship provides –Independence –Generous funding –No teaching obligations Kick starts academic career
How I got the fellowship Found a host institute –Didn’t stay in same institute –Seek advice about candidate departments –Talk to HoDs Does research fit in How much space is offered and are you allowed to expand Shared equipment and facilities Prospects at end of fellowship How much teaching is expected Scientific standing of department
How I got the fellowship Applying for fellowship –One day course on grant writing –One day course on job interviews –Decide on the funding bodies Eligibility Relevance of the research Take time to write it
Most difficult –Financial part of the application –Justification of support –INTERVIEW Prepare well Mock interview with colleagues How I got the fellowship
Considerations Work on your CV –Publish in good journals –Postdoc with leaders in their field –Work in various institutes Find a good host institute Know the competition Have a plan B (lectureship)
Why I ended up in Sheffield Wellcome Trust CDF was awarded for Cambridge. Sheffield offered better working space, and prospects for after the fellowship. MBB 5* RAE department, various yeast and cell biology groups. Wellcome Trust agreed on transfer from Cambridge to Sheffield.