Postdoctoral Opportunities CEMPH Symposium June 20, 2011 Jeffrey Becker Chancellor’s Professor and Head Microbiology Department University of Tennessee
Start at least one year before graduating Biggest resource - networking Go to meetings, talk with PIs whose research you like Approach seminar speakers Ask your colleagues/advisors Closely examine the literature potential mentors Finding a Postdoc
TEN Simple Rules for Selecting a Postdoctoral Position Philip E. Bourne and Iddo Friedberg PLoS Computational Biology November 2006 Vol. 2, Issue 11, e121
RULE 1: Select a Position That Excites You Science Will Motivate You (not the $$$) BUT…Funding of Lab is IMPORTANT
RULE 2: Select a Lab That Suits Your Lifestyle Visit the lab before deciding (Talk to Lab Members!) Life outside of lab matters
RULE 3: Select a Lab and Project that Develops New Skills Increase Marketability by Maximizing Versatility
RULE 4: Develop a Backup Plan Consider Working on Two Projects: A)High risk, high payoff B)Guaranteed to produce
RULE 5: Choose a Project with Tangible Outcomes That Match Your Career Goals Publications, publications What happened to previous postdocs in the lab?
RULE 6: Negotiate First Authorship from Start Don’t BE SHY!
RULE 7: The Time in a Postdoctoral Fellowship Should Be Finite Three Years Is Optimal
RULE 8: Evaluate the Growth Path Can You Take the Project With You?
RULE 9: Strive to Get Your Own Money Provides Level of Independence Important for Resume
RULE 10: Learn to Recognize Opportunities Jump on New/Emerging Areas
Additional “Rules” Consider Various Opportunities That Match Your Goals Academia Industry Government USE THE WEB (See Next Slide)
Science magazine – career center and “how-to” tips UC-Berkeley Site Oak Ridge National Laboratory Europe's only web site -postdoctoral job opportunities.
Things To Do During Postdoc Publish, publish, publish Network with Faculty/Colleagues not just your mentor Participate in Seminars Join Group Projects Go to Meetings even if you have to pay for them TEACH A COURSE, if you want to become a professor DEVELOP A COMPETITIVE EDGE - SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM YOUR FELLOW POST-DOCS BY UNIQUE ????