Welcome Parents! Manheim Township High School Biology Mrs. Myers Room 216
Goals for the Evening What is going on in the classroom? – Schedule, description, outline – Grading system – Get to know the teacher! What is biology and why is it important? What you can do to help Contact info
Schedule Pd. 1 AP Biology Pd. 2 Basic Biology Pd. 3 Basic Biology Pd. 5 Honors Biology Pd. 6 Honors Biology
Course Description The Biology curriculum focuses on the basic principles governing all living things. The cell is treated as the structural and functional basis of all organisms. Areas of concentration will be molecular and cellular biology, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, genetics, evolution, ecology, and the classification and kingdoms of life (bacteria, fungi, protists, animals, plants).
Course Outline Unit 1: The Nature of Science/Microscope Unit 2: Biochemistry Unit 3: Cells Unit 4: Homeostasis and Transport Unit 5: Photosynthesis and Respiration Unit 6: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis Unit 7: Cell Reproduction: Mitosis and Meiosis Unit 8: Genetics Unit 9: Evolution Unit 10: Ecology Unit 11: Classification and Pathology Unit 12: Taxonomy of Plants Unit 13: Taxonomy of Animals
Will we dissect this year? YES! There will be several labs where we observe the anatomy of organisms in the animal kingdom. These animals will include the sponge, hydra, jellyfish, clam, crayfish, starfish, grasshopper, and perch. Using proper techniques, we will be performing full dissections of the earthworm and the frog. Because of the length of time involved with the animal labs and dissections, these activities will be a major part of your grade.
Grading Policies Included in your overall grade will be homework, classwork, labs, quizzes, and tests. A point-based system will be used for all grades. There will be many labs where you will be working with a group to complete your assignments. This will be an important part of your grade. At least once each marking period, you will be responsible for a biological article review. You will be responsible for an independent research project. Papers will be given detailing this process. Students are encouraged to contact me at any time to discuss concerns about their grades. I am always available for help and review of materials!
A little bit about me! 10 th year of teaching Bachelor’s: Secondary Education—Biology from Millersville University Master’s: Teaching and Curriculum from Penn State University Master’s: Classroom Technology from Wilkes University NHS Advisor 8 th grade girls basketball coach
Exactly who is teaching my kids?! Love learning and life—that’s why BIOLOGY is the best for me! Spend time with my husband and dog Like to stay active working out, playing soccer Like to take pictures Love to travel Truly enjoy your children and would not pick another occupation!
Biology Biology is life! The world around you! Can relate to you, your body, the environment Hope students can take some valuable information from my class
How can I help? Volunteer to help in the classroom and with labs Come along on field trips Speak to the class about your career Stay involved with what is happening in the classroom
I will keep you informed! s Web site updates ( Newsletters home
Contact me! Whenever you have questions or concerns School Phone: (717) Come in to visit or schedule an appointment
Thank you! I appreciate your time this evening! Please contact me at anytime!