March 2011 Dear Parents, March was filled with unexpected illnesses, snow days, and fun art projects! We also had a visitor from the Leader Dog Program for the Blind. Debra Laws from 4-H program partnered up with the organization to present a series of informational programs to school age children in Manistee County. Tom Silverthorn, a local resident who is sight-impaired, and his leader dog, Ranger, assisted. Members of the Kaleva Lions Club and the Manistee County 4-H companion animal committee were on hand to help with demonstrations and audience feedback. “It was cool”, stated Austin Powers after talking with Tom, and petting Ranger. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn more about pets helping people. To learn more about Leader Dogs and 4-H, please visit the website provided. 07/ManisteeCounty.html Pictured above is Tom with his dog Ranger. As a puppy, Ranger was raised by a family who brought him to classes to be trained as a Sight Dog. After 2 years of training, Ranger was adopted by Tom and they have been together for 6 years.
Above, Olivia lets Ranger smell her hand before she pets him and below, Alexis pets Ranger behind the ears. Some of the students were a bit nervous to pet Ranger, and that was alright; while others came right up to the dog to pet him. Above, Lauren pets Ranger under his chin; (top right) Nathan shakes Rangers paw, and (right) Austin P looks at Ranger as Debra explains the training he had to go through.
Dear Parents, I would like to take this time to address the letter sent by Jim Scranton over Spring Break. The letter stated of changes that will be taking place in the fall. One of those changes is that I will be not be your child’s classroom teacher next year. I will taking a position as a Teacher Consultant that I have been working towards over the last three years. As a Teacher Consultant, I will be able to take the knowledge that I have gained to assist many students at different schools. I am very excited about this opportunity, but also sad to leave the classroom. I would like to thank you for your years of support, and many of you have taken the time to share that support and kind words with me. That has meant a great deal to me! Thank you! Sincerely, Angela Froncek-Joseph