Author Notes Beverly Cleary Biography
Pages 1-8 Vocabulary amuse enclosure Character Development Setting: Throughout the story, locate the towns and states on a map of the United States. Conflict Figurative Language What grade was Leigh in when the story began? What grade is he in now? What do Leigh’s letters to Mr. Henshaw reveal about his character? Has he changed since the novel began? Use evidence from the text to support your thinking.
Pages 9-15 Vocabulary duplicated Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language Why do you think Mr. Henshaw sent Leigh a list of questions to answer? What does this say about Mr. Henshaw’s character? As the story progresses, answer the same questions that Leigh has to answer. Who are you? What do you look like?
Pages Vocabulary gondolas vocational refinery duplex Character Development: What new information have you learned about Leigh? Setting Conflict Figurative Language How do Leigh’s feelings about Mr. Henshaw change? Explain using evidence from the text. As the story progresses, answer the same questions that Leigh has to answer. What is your family like? Where do you live?
Pages Character Development: What new information have you learned about Leigh? Setting Conflict Figurative Language As the story progresses, answer the same questions that Leigh has to answer. Do you have any pets? Do you like school? Who are your friends? Who is your favorite teacher?
Pages Vocabulary shrubbery Character Development: What new information have you learned about Leigh? Setting Conflict: How is Leigh feeling about his mother and father’s divorce? Use evidence from the text to support your thinking. Figurative Language As the story progresses, answer the same questions that Leigh has to answer. What bothers you? What do you wish?
Pages Vocabulary broker partition halyard nuisance Character Development: What new information have you learned about Leigh? Setting Conflict Figurative Language Why do you think someone keeps taking things out of Leigh’s lunch? Do you think it is the same person each time? Explain. What piece of advice does Mr. Henshaw give Leigh about writing?
Private Diary of Leigh Botts Pages Vocabulary fictitious foil Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language Describe Leigh’s Christmas vacation. What were some of his fears and wishes? Do you think Leigh will foil whoever is stealing things from his lunch by writing a fictitious name on it? Explain.
Private Diary of Leigh Botts Pages Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language Why did Leigh stop writing to the real Mr. Henshaw? What did you learn about Leigh’s mother from the dinner conversation she had with Leigh?
Pages Vocabulary hibernated Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language Do you think all kids are worried about not being noticed? What about adults? Why did Leigh start writing to Mr. Henshaw again?
From the Diary of Leigh Botts Pages Vocabulary scowling ulcers wrath Character Development Setting Conflict: What complication has arisen? Figurative Language Make a list of topics Leigh could write a story about. Describe Leigh’s dad’s character traits. How is Leigh feeling about his father? If you could only choose one word to describe Leigh’s dad, what word would it be? Explain why you chose that word using evidence from the text to support your thinking. Why is Leigh mad at his mom for getting a divorce when she is there for him every day?
From the Diary of Leigh Botts Pages Vocabulary tavern molest Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language Has Leigh grown as a writer, like he hoped to do at the beginning of the story? Explain using evidence from the text. Describe Mr. Fridley’s relationship with Leigh. What event happened to change Leigh’s mood from negative to positive? What happened as a result?
Pages Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language Has Leigh solved any problems so far in this story? Or has he changed in any way? Explain using evidence from the text.
From the Diary of Leigh Botts Vol. 2 Pages Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language How did Leigh handle the situation with the lunchbox thief? What happened as a result?
From the Diary of Leigh Botts Vol. 2 Pages Vocabulary prose Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language What piece of writing to Leigh decide to enter in the Young Writer’s contest? Describe what happened after he entered the contest. Be sure to include his feelings in your retelling. Describe how Leigh’s feelings about his dad have changed over the course of the story.
Page 123 Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language How has Mr. Henshaw shaped Leigh’s life? Use evidence from the story to support your thinking.
From the Diary of Leigh Botts Pages 125 Character Development Setting Conflict Figurative Language Describe Leigh’s feelings at the end of the story. Are they different from how he felt at the beginning? Where do you see Leigh’s relationship with his father going? Do you think his dad will come to visit him more often or not? On what do you base your thinking?
Novel Projects Letter: Write a letter to one of your favorite author’s. Narrative: Write a short story about