Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Strategic Resourcers An Introduction Samuel Tengey
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Aims & Objectives Resource organisation for churches, their pastors & leaders of all categories. Aims: 1. Help meet Church Growth Needs-Provide: (i) Training, Strategies and materials for effective evangelism & outreach (ii) Training, strategies and resources for handling large numbers, and maintaining and caring for church members
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Aims & Objectives (iii) Helping develop and operate realistic structures to support vision (iv) Helping with strategies to convert vision & mission statements into doable, attainable, measurable activities on a regular basis
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Aims & Objectives 2. Help with developing leaders to help with and lessen pastors’ burden. (i) Help develop in leaders & church workers deeper understanding of leadership and authority dynamics (ii) Help forge greater cooperation and improve relationship between senior & Associate pastors & other church workers (iii) Help build stronger teamwork & team spirit and mutual support among the leadership
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Aims & Objectives 3. Provide support for pastors in effective ways of motivating members for greater commitment and support for the church: (i) One-to-one therapeutic consultations with pastors to discuss & find solution to church challenges (ii) Pastors seminars and conferences
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Aims & Objectives 4. Develop pastors’ and church leaders’ capacity to effectively handle and resolve conflicts to avoid church splits & breaks Topics Include… Organising Church Strategically to Retain Membership Designing Structures that work Converting your Church’s Vision to Strategic Activities
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Aims & Objectives Developing A Leadership Committed to Excellent Service Ensuring Faithful Stewardship among Church Leadership Leadership and the Dynamics of Authority Empowering and Commissioning Church members for Ministry Reducing Undue Competition in church through Teambuilding
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Topics Practical Steps to Developing the Church’s Human Resource Potentials Effective People Management in the Church Capturing and Sustaining Church Members’ Commitment Motivating Church members for Responsible Leadership Proven Strategies for Church Growth
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Topics Strategies for Handling Growth & Large Numbers Arresting Church Growth Detractors Reaching and Evangelizing an Atheist society Guaranteeing Sustained Growth through Discipleship Forging Cordial Relationships between Senior/Associate Pastor Minimizing and Handling Church Conflicts to Avoid Church Breaks And many, many more…
Strategic Resourcers: An Introduction Contact Details Address: 143 Blackmoor Gate, Furzton, Milton Keynes, MK4 1DJ Phone: URL: