Potter’s House Bereavement Ministry
PURPOSE The purpose of the Bereavement Ministry is to insure through love in action that if even one member, whether great or small suffers a loss, it is felt and shared by the whole body. The purpose of the Bereavement Ministry is to insure through love in action that if even one member, whether great or small suffers a loss, it is felt and shared by the whole body. ( I John 3:18, Roman 12:15 )
MISSION The mission of the Potter’s House Bereavement Ministry is to provide support, comfort, love and compassion to our members and theirs families during the loss of a loved one.
Motto We Care Ministry
NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS Currently there are 85 Active Members in the Bereavement Ministry.
ORIENTATION/TRAINING Below are several training that we provide: Having a Servant Attitude & Conduct Repast Hospitality Telephone Etiquette Home Visitation Funeral Etiquette End-Year Tax Credits CPR Training Fundamental Orientation for New Recruits
CRITERIA FOR INVOLVEMENT Maintain a life of integrity and good testimony. Keep an attitude of compassion Prayerful attitude & servant. Be ready to be a good listener Be full of word of God Don’t be assertive in your assistance
INVOLVEMENT OF OTHER MINISTRIES Occasionally for a “repast”, we will request the assistance of PMTs and/or the Administrative Staff. Also, we invite an “Associate Pastor” as guest speaker at our meetings.
MEETINGS Bereavement Ministry meetings and/or training is held the first Friday every other month at 7:00 pm
Representing The Vision Each members of the bereavement ministry understands that we represent Christ, and the Bishop’s vision when at funerals, repasts, home visitations, or making phone calls, and etc.
Q & A