Kari Griggs HIS 112 Mr. Dick
Robert Ley was born in Ley’s profession was a chemist. But, during WWI he was a pilot. He was shot down over France. He later returned to Germany and was then employed by a chemical conglomerate. Ley joined the NSDAP. This is the Nazi party. He was appointed Gauleiter of the South Rhineland in In 1932 Ley replaced the Chief of Organization of the NSDAP. Robert Ley established Deutsche Arbeitsfront. This is a German labor party, DAF.
Ley was arrested by American troops near the Austrian border. He posed as a Dr. Ernst Distelmeyer to try and deceive the troops. He was identified by a former treasurer of the Nazi Party. Ley was tried before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. He was convicted and sentenced to death. Before his date came due, Ley hung himself in his cell.
Wilhelm Keitel was born in His entire family had served Kaiser for generations. Keitel would practice this loyal service to Adolf Hitler. He rose rapidly through the ranks. He ended up as Chief of Staff. Keitel firmly believed in Hitler's ideas and plans. He was one of twelve generals who received a promotion to field marshal.
Keitel was captured by allies and tried for different crimes against humanity. His trial took place in Nuremburg. He pleads not guilt to the charges and claims that all the German officers and soldiers were legally held accountable to take an oath. The oath stated that they were to hold up and carry out all orders that were given. He was declared guilty. He requested that he was to be killed by a firing squad. This request was deined and he was hanged in October of 1946.
Rudolf Hess was born in He was one of Hitler's principle lieutenants. He served in the German army during WWI and when it was over, he decided to join Nazi party. This was around He later became the Nazi leader's private secretary he was elevated to the rank of minister and appointed a member of Hitler's cabinet.
He was captured during WWII and when he made a solo flight to Scotland. He was originally arrested as a prisoner of war. He was tried a the war crimes trials and held at Nurnberg for two years. He was convicted on these crimes. Found guilty, he was sentenced to life in imprisonment at Spandau Prison in West Berlin. He was considered a major war criminal and had to be held in solitary confinement. He committed suicide in 1987.
1. How would you define human and cultural diversity? - Human and cultural diversity is the different ethnic backgrounds they everyone comes from. Diversity, meaning different, is what sets each person aside from another. American has become a melting pot for diversity. 2. In what ways does the time culture/place/society you studied differ from your background? What might you have in common? - I don’t think that we as America have many cults or organizations that target a particular race like the Nazis did. They closest group that we have is the KKK. But, even in today’s society it is becoming more and more uncommon to see. Once again, seeing other cultures and backgrounds are becoming the new normal. 3. What factors might lead one person or group to distrust another person or group? What is responsible for our world views? - This is similar to gangs. Because one person had trouble, then the whole group will have trouble. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole basket. If a group member doesn’t like another group then they might spread lies and try and get everyone to turned against them. We are responsible for our own view.
4.Based on what you learned in this project, what might be some potential obstacles to embracing and applying your understanding of human diversity? What might be the potential consequences? - In today’s society, there is so much diversity. In the work place, you might encounter someone of a different race or ethnic background. You don’t need to ignore them because they are different. Embrace this opportunity to learn something new. 5.What can your community do to promote awareness of, and appreciation of, human and cultural diversity? - Have a multicultural day. Have someone from a different culture come around and speak to students and tell them about their experiences. Let them explain how different it is to be living in America and why it is worse or better. Have them tell us about some of their traditions. 6.What might you do differently in the future in dealing with other people, as a result of this project? - I will embrace there diversity. I will learn to except people they way that they are.
Bashar al-Assad is being accused of a war crime. The crime that he is being charged with is crime against humanity. He is being tried for using sarin gas in Syria. If the claims are proven to be true then, Assad and his followers would be claimed guilty for the crime against humanity. The government says that they have creditable evidence.
Beaumont, Peter. "Claims That Syria Has Used Sarin Gas Should Be Treated with Caution." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 25 Apr Web. 25 Apr Robert Ley." Robert Ley. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr "The Avalon Project : Indictment." The Avalon Project : Indictment. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr