THE INQUISITIONS These are all of the inquisitions in the order they took place 1.Medieval Inquisition ( ’s) 2.Spanish Inquisition ( ) 3.Portuguese Inquisition ( )
THE INQUISITION CON’T The word “inquisition” means the tribunal court system by Catholics to punish heretics Most inquisition’s goals were to stop rebellious behavior The Protestant reformations contributed to the inquisitions The inquisition used torture to get alleged heretics to confess The judges of the inquisition were called inquisitors
THE MEDIEVAL INQUISITION Term used to describe the various inquisitions that started in 1184 Some of them are the Episcopal inquisition and the Roman inquisition This paved the way for more Inquisitions
THE SPANISH INQUISITION Spanish inquisition was one of the inquisitions that took place during the 12 th to 19th century. Targeted converts from Judaism and Islam who were suspected of practicing their old religion after converting Also targeted Greek Orthodox Christians Operated in Canary Islands Nobody expects it
THE PORTUGUESE INQUISITION The man target of the Portuguese inquisition were Sephardic Jews that were expelled from Spain Also targeted the Jewish “New Christians” The inquisition expanded from Portugal to the Portuguese Colonies like Brazil At head of the organization was a Grand Inquisitor that was always a member of the royal family
TORTURE METHODS The inquisition used torture to get confessions. Strappado- Tied your hands behind your back and hung you from the ceiling to dislocate your shoulders. Would not work on Jack Lobley The Rack- Tied your limbs to chains and pulled you apart. Some people confessed by just witnessing someone be tortured on it They used heated metal pinchers and thumbscrews while the person was on the rack
BIBLIOGRAPHY Freeman, Shannah. "How the Spanish Inquisition Worked." Howstuffworks. Infospace, Web. 31 Oct "Inquisition." Inquisition. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov