Unity and Denominationalism What is Wrong With Denominationalism?


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Presentation transcript:

Unity and Denominationalism What is Wrong With Denominationalism?

What is Denominationalism? The word is NOT found in scripture! NOR is the concept!

What is Denominationalism? Denomination, “1. A large group of religions congregations united under a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy.” American Heritage Dictionary

What is Denominationalism? Religious denomination, “ a subgroup within a religion that operates under a common name, tradition, and identity.” (Wikipedia)

What is Denominationalism? Denominationalism, “1. The tendency to separate into religious denominations. 2. Advocacy of separation into religious denominations.” American Heritage Dictionary

What is Denominationalism? The general consensus is that each denomination is a part of the universal body of Christ.

Catholic (606) Lutheran (1517) Presbyterian (1560) Baptist (1608) Methodist (1740) Mormon (1830) Pentecostal (1898) 10 Pennies 3 Dimes 2 Nickels 2 Quarters What is Denominationalism? From: 65 th Street Church of Christ, Little Rock, AR, w65stchurchofchrist.org

Earthly Headquarters Presbyterian (1560) Methodist (1740) Baptist (1608) Pentecostal (1898) Bound together by distinct beliefs What is Denominationalism? From: 65 th Street Church of Christ, Little Rock, AR, w65stchurchofchrist.org

What is Denominationalism? Those who teach this might appeal to 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 or John 15:1-8 (NOTE: A study of context deals clearly with individuals) “We’re all going to heaven, but by different routes” “Attend the church of your choice” Is this the pattern the Bible teaches about the church? NO!

Why is Denominationalism Wrong? It is Unscriptural NT churches were autonomous and independent. They taught the same thing Denominations appeal to earthly bodies larger than the local church (bound together by HQ, creeds, councils, conventions, “satellite campuses”, etc.) WHERE in the Bible is such organization found? IT is NOT there!

Why is Denominationalism Wrong? It violates Biblical unity John 17:20-21 “that they all may be one, As You, Father, are in Me, and I in You…” 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 – no divisions 1 Cor. 3:3-4 Ephesians 2:14-16 – He broke down the wall of separation

Why is Denominationalism Wrong? It perverts the teaching of God’s word God’s word is truth – John 17:17, 8:31-32 We can understand it – Eph. 5:17, 1 Cor. 14:33 1 Peter 1:22-23 Denominationalism implies that God’s word cannot be absolutely understood Will we be judged by different standards? John 12:48

Why is Denominationalism Wrong? It elevates traditions of men over teachings of God Tradition – 1 Cor. 2:1-5, Matt. 15:8-9 The church of the Bible is NOT a denomination! Every denomination has its origin with some man and his teachings

Why is Denominationalism Wrong? It voids the exactness of God’s word Biblical authority – 1 Cor. 4:6, 2 John 9-11, cf. Rev. 22:18-19 Many deal with generalities and ignore the specified details Division is the result of NOT respecting God’s boundaries Fellowshipping error – Eph. 5:11, Gal. 1:6-9, 2 John 9-11

Why is Denominationalism Wrong? It hinders the cause of Christ John 17:21, “that the world may believe that You sent Me.” John 13:34-35, the world knows us by our love and unity Religious division turns people away from the truth. It causes doubt, ridicule, etc. It minimizes the importance of Bible accuracy!

Why is Denominationalism Wrong? It hinders true Christianity With denominationalism, one is free to find a church on his terms instead of God’s terms. Community churches have capitalized on this and claim to be “non-denominational”. In reality they are INTER-denominational. 2 Timothy 2:15, Matt. 28:20