A Walk with Joseph Smith
Thirsting for Knowledge Joseph Smith- History 5-10 Enos 1-8 Matt 5:6 Tell us of one of your personal desires to gain knowledge of the gospel and of your relationship with your Heavenly Father.
Asking of God Joseph Smith History 1:11-13 James 1:5-8 Alma 32:21 Mormon 9:25 Moroni 10:3-5 What are your feelings about Prayer?
Receiving an Answer Joseph Smith History 1: Share an experience when you received an answer to prayer.
Knowing Christ Lives Joseph Smith History 1: 17 Matt 28: 1-9 D & C 76: Nephi 11: Nephi 17: How does the understanding that He is not dead, but lives affect your life?
Being Persecuted Joseph Smith History 1: Nephi 1: 4-14 Tell of an experience when you have been treated differently because of your faith or your standards.
Learning of the Sealing Promises Joseph Smith History 1:27-54 D & C 132: 19, What are your feelings about knowing that families can be together forever?
Receiving the Golden Plates Joseph Smith 1: Ezek. 37: Moroni 10:27 How has this sacred book been a blessing in your life?
Being Chastised and Repenting D & C 3: Introduction D & C 3: Nephi 9 What are your feelings about the gratitude you have for the power of repentance?
Receiving Sacred Ordinances Joseph Smith History 1: Matt. 3:13-17 Tell your feelings about your own baptism.
Priesthood and Church Organization D & C 27:5, 12 D & C 20: 1-12 How is your life blessed by knowing that the true priesthood of God is on the earth during your lifetime?
Modern Revelation D & C 21:1-7 Hymn # 19 What are your thoughts about our living prophet today and how his counsel can help you find happiness.
Liberty Jail D & C 121 Introduction D & C 121: 1-9 At times our own trials can seem almost unbearable. How does it comfort you to know that your trials can strengthen you and be “for thy good?”
Building Zion Bible Dictionary “Zion” D & C 6:6 D & C 21:7 Moses 7:13-21 The Lord called Enoch’s people Zion because of their unity. How does it bless your life to have friends with the same standards as you?
Martyrdom D & C 135 Introduction D & C 135: 1-7 Hymn # 29 Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God who restored the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth. He sacrificed his life for the cause of the gospel.