Release 3.7 October 19 th, 2009. Person Management ► Changes were made to the Medical/Mental Health Window. On the Health Concern page when selecting.


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Presentation transcript:

Release 3.7 October 19 th, 2009

Person Management ► Changes were made to the Medical/Mental Health Window. On the Health Concern page when selecting Child Protective Exam/CPC Child Protective Exam, two new check boxes were added to indicate if a medical follow up is recommended or a dental follow up is recommended.

Person Management Cont. ► On the Health Concern Page when entering Comprehensive Mental Health Assessment as a Service type, a new checkbox was added to capture if Treatment was recommended.

Person Management Cont. ► When selecting Well Child Exam/Visit as a type of service a drop down was added indicating the Health Check Period. This drop down lists all recommended times in which a child should receive a Well Child Exam/Visit.

Person Management Cont. ► Also, when hovering over the Health Check Period, a details flair defines Wisconsin’s Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program (EPSDT).

Person Management Cont. ► When Mental/Behavioral Health Screen is selected as a type of service, a checkbox was added to indicate if a MH assessment has been recommended.

Maintain Assignment ► When a supervisor is trying to change an assignment of a case that is part of an active approval chain, they are no longer able to select the case to be reassigned. The row is italicized and grayed out to indicate that the case is part of an active approval chain and under ‘Reassign To’ it states that Pending Approvals Exist.

Assessment ► For Assessment Contact case notes, the date and time of the note is automatically added to the Assessment Contact Information group box upon Save. This prevents the problem of the note getting over-written without the user's knowledge when a there’s a date discrepancy in the 'Contact Date' field from the date in the case note 'Date' field.

Case Notes ► We fixed the tabbing issue in case notes. Before Release 3.7, when you entered a note and tab out of the field, you had to tab nine times to move on instead of twice. This bug was introduced in the Release 3.6.

Search ► Printing from the Search page no longer wraps text before length of row is exceeded. This applies to the Case, Person, Provider Organization and Worker tabs.

Manage Worker ► Supervisors now have the ability to allow future dates in the 'Start Date' field of the 'Worker Role' group box on the Maintain Worker page. This benefits supervisors who would like to get a head start in entering a new worker's record in eWiSACWIS.

Approvals ► A 'View By' group box was added to the Reroute Worker Approval page. The 'View By' group box contains radio buttons for 'County/State', 'Employing Entity', 'My County', 'Site/Office', and 'Workers for Supervisor', however it will default to 'My County.' This will prevent the worker from having to search out his or her county before rerouting their approval.

eWReports ► The sort order on several pages of eWReports was changed to make the pages easier to read.

Issue/Reconcile Checks ► Modified the FM0203-Monthly-Payments report to return the count of children with Foster Home / Treatment Foster Home payments, rather than the count of payments.

Eligibility ► Large enhancement effecting mostly Maximus workers in regards to being compliant with the Federal Government for IV-E. However, there are multiple places that all workers will notice a change.

Eligibility ► The FM0302 report (Eligibility Sign Off Case Detail Report) was modified to exclude voided IV-E Eligibility Determinations.

Eligibility ► The text in the Details flare beside the Med Stat Code field on the Medicaid Certification page was modified. The text was updated to include who should be certified for Medicaid in eWiSACWIS (now includes court ordered kinship) and which Med Stat Codes should be used when certifying children.

Trust Accounts ► This Trust Account enhancement affects anyone who views or works with Trust Accounts. In an effort to bring more flexibility to the way a user can search for Trust Accounts, a Person ID field was added to the Trust Accounts Maintenance page. This will allow workers to narrow a search by County and Person ID.

Checks and Payments Maintenance ► This Financial enhancement affects anyone who views or works with financial data through the Checks and Payments Maintenance page. In an effort to bring more flexibility to the way a user can search for financial data, a Person ID field was added to the Checks and Payments Maintenance page. This allows users to narrow their search results on this page by a specific Person ID.

Access ► On the Access Report page, an address field was added to display the reporter's address under the Reporter group box on the Participant tab. Workers no longer have to go to the Person Management page to view the reporter's address.

Access Cont. ► The address field lists the reporter's work address. If no work address is documented for the reporter, it lists the reporter's primary address, then the most recent address.

Access ► A confirmation pop-up message was added to the Access Report page when the 'Date Report was Received' is more than 60 days ago. This will prevent issues at the beginning of the year when workers type the wrong year into the Date and Time Report was Received field.

Access ► On the Access Report page, the ability to print was added to the entire page without scrolling. This can be done by clicking the Print button on the top right corner of the page.

Access ► A 'Notice to Tribal Agent' template was added under the Options drop-down on the Access Report page. This is for access workers and supervisors to use to inform tribal agents of a new CPS report on a tribal child.

Access ► An enhancement was added to automate Response Time values to be consistent with the current standards. In doing that, the question "Are there any present danger threats?" is followed by Yes and No radio buttons.

Access Cont. ► Upon selecting Yes, a pop-up page appears on the Narrative tab of the Access Report page to capture specific Present Danger Threats. A required text field will be added on the Narrative tab for each identified threat.

Access Cont. ► The same logic was added to the Allegation Narrative tab of the Access Report page to capture specific Impending Danger Threats. Based on the selection of present or impending danger threats, the Response Time field was modified to pre-fill according to the standards.

Access Cont. ► When a Supervisor is approving the Access Report, the Explain field on the Decision tab is required when the Supervisor changes screening information.

Access Cont. ► The response time values of "within 24 hours" and "within 48 hours" were modified according to the standards to read "within hours." This was modified on the template and the report as well.

Assessment ► Added the ability to create, edit, and view the Mandated Reporter template from the CW/JJ Assessment page and the Child Welfare Report page.

Family Assessment ► On the Safety Assessment, Analysis and Plan page, Details hovers were added next to each of the 17 safety threats in the Safety Threats group box on the Safety Threats tab. This benefits workers by explaining the policy definition of each threat just by hovering over the Details.

Planning ► This enhancement is to modify the outliner and search views (in both case and participant views) to display the type and method of Permanency Plan Review or Hearing. This aids workers in determining from their desktop whether the permanency plan review was a hearing or a review, and what type of review it was.

Planning ► Added logic to the nightly Independent Living Eligibility process to write rows to a history table. This change improves Independent Living Eligibility reporting by identifying all children eligible based on the policy, and benefit all IL workers and other workers who use this report.

Planning ► Future dates are now allowed on the Permanency Plan page under TPR/Adoption Status. This is because we currently allow for future dates to be entered on the legal page, and the Date Referred to District Attorney/Cooperation Counsel now pre-fills from the legal page.

Out of Home Placements ► This enhancement affects any user that works with or views Placements, Services, and/or Agreements and Notices. The change separates and reorganizes the display of these pieces of work on the outliner and searches.

Out of Home Placements Cont. ► Each piece of work is now located under their respective icon. Under the Placements icon and the Services icon the pieces of work displays, separated by a header section indicating whether the Placement or Service is "Pending," "Open," or "Closed." This helps users easily find and locate the piece of work that they are looking for.

Out of Home Placements ► This Placement change affects anyone documenting a Respite Service. Users no longer are able to document Respite as an Out of Home Placement. All Service Categories, Service Types, and Placement Setting referencing Respite are inactivated for the Out of Home Placement page. However, users are able to document Respite as a "service" from the Services page in either a paid or a non-paid structure.

Out of Home Placements ► Added Age at Report End, Provider Name and Parent Agency Name column on the Detail Report of the sm10a35

Out of Home Placements ► Modified report logic to include service ending reason ' Child in Correctional Fac. No Aftercare' for looking up Placement missing discharge. Added a new column 'Age of Majority' in the Child Detail Report (sm10a22).

Out of Home Placements ► Update Summary report key for the sibling group definition. Added new columns Provider Zip Code, Length of Placement and All Children Placed Together indicator to the Detail Report (sm10a30)