Candle Light Is it really what it looks like?
Observations: Key to scientific discovery! Look closely at the following pictures. Jot down in your science notebook what you immediately see. Look closer, do you see anything else?
First Picture
Now conference with your table what do you see. Use whisper voices.
Second Picture: Repeat same process. Observe, then write in notebooks.
Discuss with partners.
Third picture: Repeat same process. Observe, then write in notebooks.
Discuss with partners.
Fourth Picture: Repeat same process. Observe, then write in notebooks.
Discuss with partners
You will receive one bonus point if you find any new pictures like this!
Observations: Is everything as it first appears? Why are observations important? What senses should you use for good observations?
Look, Listen and Observe
You are “bright” students…… Write AND draw what you just saw in your notebooks
Discuss with your team Share results Come up with a complete description of what just happened.
We all agree that…… Yes, I ate a candle Brainstorm what it could possibly be made of. What was the candle? What was the wick?
The Wick Why do you think the wick did what it did? What other foods would you test?
How could you test to find out? Look at items we have here. What other items would your team like to have? Decide who can bring in what.
We will learn to make 2 types of observations: Qualitative Quantitative
Qualitative Dealing with the qualities of something
Qualitative Small Beautiful Green Grass Great View Nice Atmosphere
Quantitative Things that can be measured
I will be 12 Soon!
38,365 Seats Fences: LCF to RCF - 6 ft RCF to RF foul pole - 21 ft
Please make 2 qualitative observations and 2 quantitative about a person sitting at your table.
Were you surprised? Why are observations important?
Back to the Candle Lab: Which of your observations were Qualitative? Which were Quantitative?
Exit Ticket What surprised you most in science class today?