The North American Black Bear By BB
Black Bear Taxonomy Family: Ursidae Genus: Ursus Species: Americanus
What do they Look Like? They are mostly black and they sometimes have white patches on their chests.
Anatomy/Physiology of the black bear
Where do Black Bears Live? This organism lives usually in dense forest and is the calm organism that does not bother anyone.
Symbiotic Relationships of a Black Bear Their main symbiotic relationship is mutualism with humans. They provide attractions for us. We make trash for their food.
What is their food source? They mainly eat plants like berries. Sometimes they eat meat but they do not kill they eat what is dead. Nothing eats the black bears. Except the occasional hunter.
How do they reproduce? and Reproductive benefits. They reproduce sexually once a year and have approx. 1-2 cubs. They reproduce to make a new generation and to keep the species alive.
Environmental Hazard and threats to the black bear. Environmental Hazards: Hot summers and Cold winters. Threats: Loss of habitat because of humans and hunters.
Threats to other organism. They pose no threats to other organisms unless you threaten them.
Importance of the organism. They are the mediator of the forest. They keep the peace and keep to themselves.
Citations j2j ac.1.45.img UkxFgPQ2EQw#hl=en&q=north+american+black+bear&t bm=isch&imgdii=_ j2j ac.1.45.img UkxFgPQ2EQw#hl=en&q=north+american+black+bear&t bm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=b3DMXs- bear-profile-elaine-mikkelstrup.html%3B900%3B chest&oq=Black+bear+with+white+pa&gs_l=img.3.0.0i j ac.1.45.img rMoUdikVYYQ#hl=en&q=black+bear+in+a+zoo+with+people&tbm=isch&imgdii=_ j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8