National Art Honor Society Meeting for “Art Club”! WEDNESDAY 9/16/15 2:30p.m. Room 403 Our agenda is making Life-size Birds
Model United Nations First Meeting Wednesday September 16 th in Room 199 at 6:45 Discuss world events Practice public speaking Learn how the UN works Develop research skills
Need a College Test Refresher before taking the SAT, PSAT, ACT, or TSI (Lonestar) College Entrance Exams?
Bring your tablet, your brain, and writing material. FREE! Prepare to load up on rules and practice activities.
Teaching Theater Sept. 1- October 8 LANGUAGE PREP-Every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00–4:00 MATH PREP-Every Wednesday from 3:00–4:00
( Questions? See Mrs. Clarke—Rm. 171 or Mrs. Salinas –Rm. 412
Research Readiness from your librarians
When doing research use the library databases available from your library website
If your search term is Olympics, a database results in 2,677 items
If your search term is Olympics, Google results in 160,000,000 items
Library DatabasesThe Internet Paid for by the library so you have free access to scholarly information. Some resources are free, but others require you to pay for them. Content is evaluated for authority and accuracy. Information is not evaluated for accuracy and may be incorrect, misleading, or biased. Anyone can publish a Google site. Information is stable.Websites come and go. Through Subject Pages find databases relating specifically to your topic (and get connected to an expert if you need guidance). The internet is a vast sea of information with no organization. Library databases offer options to quickly limit or expand your search to find the articles you need. A search engine (like Google) often returns an overwhelming number of results with no quick way to narrow them down or ensure they relate to your topic.
The Graduate for Mas! Contest is coming Oct. 5! If you are interested in being a Student Ambassador for the program this year, please pick up an interest form in the main counseling office! Five will be selected! Interest Forms will be due back to Mrs. Grimm in the counseling office by Friday, September 18! Our School CAN WIN: Money School Dance Party A celebrity celebration Last year, we came in 2 nd place… Let’s get into FIRST this year!
Week 1 Alyssa Carruth, Trudy Jacobs, Sydney Owen Week 2 Julia Moctezuma, Gabby Newton, Emily Sorenson
SEPTEMBER 8 th Parking will be strictly enforced. ALL students must have a parking hang tag to park on campus. Regular Office Hours are in effect. 2:30 – 3:00 pm *subject to change
Students! Think one day out from school isn’t a big deal? If you miss 10 percent of school days, you’ll suffer academically. That can be just one day every two weeks, and can it happen before you know it. These absences may be either excused or unexcused, but you’re still losing time in class and opportunities to learn. Every day you’re absent, it lowers your chance of graduating from high school. Remember. Attendance Counts Every Day, Everyone
September is Attendance Awareness Month A student who is chronically absent in high school is 7.4X more likely to drop out! Attendance counts. EVERYONE. EVERYDAY.
LONE STAR COLLEGE LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOL Leadership development and diversity awareness program Community based program for outstanding high school juniors Become better informed of the critical issues affecting our community Prepare to be responsible citizens and develop leadership skills KCHS Juniors Community Service Opportunity Pick up an application in the counseling office and return by Friday, September 25 th.