EP004 Information Literacy & Research Skills Semester II, 2011 Lecturer: Carolyn Crook Week 4 / Lecture 3 “While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, another is busy making mistakes and becoming superior” – Henry. C. Link
The Active Researcher Analyses Understands Analyses the topic/question Makes sure they understand what the key concepts are (Keywords/concepts - Context)
The Active Researcher Brainstorms Identifies key idea /concept of topic Synonyms - Brainstorm Recalls everything they know about the key idea Recalls synonyms for keywords
The Active Researcher Defines Keywords/Concepts Go back to the topic question Identify the key concepts Create a concept table or concept map Use the key concepts from the topic as headings Organise ideas/synonyms and group together in your concept table/ concept map.
NCIS Never Cease Investigating Systematically SYSTEM PLAN STRATEGY
NCIS TEAMS Form NCIS teams - work in pairs or a team of three. EP003 Assignment 1 Essay Topic: Advertising aimed at children is increasing throughout the various forms of the media. Describe the effects of advertising on this younger generation. Using your EPOO3 Essay - Carry out the first three steps of the research cycle. (You can refer to previous slides to guide you. (20 mins)
SEARCH Step 4 of the Research Cycle Where will you search? Google? Google Advanced? Google Scholar? Google Books?
Google Type – ‘advertising and children’ into google How many of the results on your 1 st page could you use? What results won’t you use and why? Would you use Wikipedia?
Wikipedia Content can be edited by anyone Anyone can upload articles (no publisher to screen or review articles) Therefore, information can be unreliable The author is not always identified – may not be reputable However, not a bad place to get definitions or familiarise yourself with a topic But: DO NOT USE AS A SOURCE FOR ACADEMIC WORK
Google Advanced Find ‘ google advanced’ Type – ‘advertising and children’ into ‘ google advanced’ Explore the ways you can refine your search Share the ways you can refine your search with the class
Google Advanced Refining Search Use and exact word or phrase Include words tab Exclude words – Don’t show pages … tab File type -.doc, pdf, ppt…. Search site or domain -.edu,.org,.gov Date – currency (old post, newer post) Region – country
Google Scholar Find ‘google scholar’ Type ‘ advertising and children’ into google scholar What do you notice about the articles? Find ‘advanced scholar search’ How does advanced scholar search help you?
Google Books Find the ‘google books’ link Type ‘advertising and children’ into google books What did you find? Previews – allow you to view certain or all pages in some of the books. Useful for definitions and initial ideas Can search the book using our Library page (books or eBooks)
Evaluating Websites Class brainstorm: What do you need to do or ask to evaluate a website?
Websites Go to this website: Evaluate that website: You have 10 minutes to explore it and then report what you found out or noticed.
Evaluating Websites Authorship – reliable? Reputable? Publisher – Who? Currency - current or out of date? Reliable? – Credentials, qualifications? Bias – point of view, one sided? Edited? Peer reviewed - Links – is it linked to known reputable sites or organisations
Review Write down the places we can search for articles etc in google. What are two ways we can refine our search? List 6 pointers for evaluating a website? What is Bias?
Directed Study / Homework Go to this website: Read through the site – we will be completing the tasks next week.