Interactions Grab bag Humans and the environment PopulationsSuccession and other topics
Category 1 for 1 Question: Two hyenas fight over a zebra carcass. This is an example of __ __. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 1 Answer: intraspecific competition. Back to the Game Board
Daily Double for 4 Question: What are the 3 forms of symbiosis? Give an example of each. Check Your Answer
Daily Double for 4 Answer: Mutualism = beneficial bacteria in intestines Parasitism = a tick on an animal Commensalism = a hawk sitting on a tortoise’s back Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 3 Question: Name the 6 major interactions we discussed, and give the signs for each. (+, -, 0) Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 3 Answer: parasitism +/- predation +/- competition -/- commensalism +/0 mutualism +/+ amensalism -/0 Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 4 Question: What is happening in this experiment? Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 4 Back to the Game Board Answer: competitive exclusion
Category 1 for 5 a)What is happening in this picture? b) Which type of niche is shown? Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 5 a) niche partitioning b) realized niche Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 1 Question: How could global warming increase agricultural productivity? Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 1 Answer: warmer global temperatures could mean longer growing seasons for crops Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 2 Question: Describe two examples of secondary succession. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 2 Answer: after a hurricane destroys an ecosystem, after a forest fire, when a person neglects their lawn Back to the Game Board
Daily Double for 6 A coyote was dozing in the shade of an oak tree, contented after eating a squirrel. Several burr seeds were stuck in his coat. A large branch had fallen from the tree and crushed several small oak seedlings growing underneath it. Robins picked caterpillars from the oak leaves. Describe 6 different interactions in the paragraph. Check Your Answer
Daily Double for 6 Answer: (a) Predation: coyote and squirrel (b) Commensalism: coyote and oak (c) Commensalism: coyote and burr seeds (d) Amensalism: oak and seedlings (e) Intraspecific competition: oak and seedlings (f) Mutualism: robin and oak (g) Predation: robin and caterpillars Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 4 Check Your Answer Give an example of behavioral parasitism.
Category 2 for 4 Answer: The cowbird parasitizing songbird nests by laying eggs in them. (brood parasitism) Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 5 Question: Give 2 examples of primary succession. What is the name for the first organisms to live in an ecosystem? Name 2 of these. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 5 Answer: when a glacier recedes, on newly cooled lava. Pioneer species, such as lichens or mosses, are the first to grow in an area. Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 1 Check Your Answer Which are populations? (a) All the animals in a zoo (b) All the fish in a pond (c) All the mosquitoes around a lake (d) Both b and c (e) a, b, and c
Category 3 for 1 Answer: (c) all of the mosquitoes around a lake Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 2 Question: Name the three types of population dispersal. Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 2 Answer: random, clumped, uniform Back to the Game Board
Daily Double for 6! A population of wolves averages 25 births and 10 deaths a year. If 3 wolves are immigrants, and overall growth is 12 wolves, how many emigrate? Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 6 Answer: Growth = (births + immigrants) – (deaths + emigrants) 12 = (25 + 3) – (10 + x) 12 = 28 - (10 + x) 10 + x = x = 16 x = 6 Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 4 Question: Give an example of a type I, II, and III organism. (Do not use squirrel, human, or oak) Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 4 Answer: I = elephant II = bird III = frog Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 5 Q: In a 100 m 2 field, there are 25 chipmunks. What is the population density? Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 5 Back to the Game Board 25 chipmunks/100m 2 = 0.25 chipmunks/m 2
Category 4 for 1 Check Your Answer Q: Name 3 greenhouse gases. (from class or the textbook)
Category 4 for 1 Answer: carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 2 Question: Name 2 chemicals that can undergo biomagnification. Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 2 Answer: DDT, mercury, PCBs Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 3 Question: Name 3 introduced species from the text or class discussion. Also name the location where each species was introduced. Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 3 Answer: kudzu in the South, rabbits in Australia, mice in China, Python in Everglades Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 4 Question: What acids are found in acid rain? (besides carbonic acid which is normally in rain) Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 4 Answer: Sulfuric acid forms from sulfur dioxide released from burning of coal. Nitric acid forms from nitrous oxide from burning of gasoline. Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 5 Question: What is an indicator species? Name 3 of 4 indicator species that were described in the textbook or in class. Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 5 Answer: gender-bending fish, amphibians such as frogs, bird known as Forster’s tern, beluga whale, Back to the Game Board
Daily Double for 2 Question: What are two nonrenewable resources? Check Your Answer
Daily Double for 2 Answer: coal and oil. Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 2 Question: Earthworms aerate the soil by tunneling through it. They also enrich soil by adding their waste. They are efficient decomposers. This best describes the earthworm’s: (a) Habitat (b) Niche (c) Footprint (d) Limiting factors Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 2 Answer: (b) niche Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 3 Question: The horned lizard of North American deserts and the thorny devil of Australian deserts occupy a similar niche. These organisms would be known as __________ ________. Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 3 Answer: ecological equivalents Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 4 Question: You watch a television program that states that organisms must always struggle with one another for existence. Do you agree? Explain why or why not. Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 4 Answer: No. Mutualism and commensalism are examples of interactions that aren’t a struggle between organisms. Back to the Game
Category 5 for 5 Question: A hypothetical strain of bacteria doubles every two minutes. One single bacterium was put in a sealed bottle at 8:00 a.m., and the bottle was filled at exactly 10:00 a.m. What time was the bottle half full? Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 5 Answer: 9:58 a.m. Back to the Game Board