WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting EVITherM WP 9 - To create content for non-contact thermometry WP leader PTB (Joachim Seidel)
WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting WORKPACKAGE DESCRIPTION Starting Date: Month 1 Duration: 33 months Total Effort 204 MD Task Description / Contribution MemberEffort (MD) 9.0 Determine form and content Industrial feedback (3 invited participants w/o labour costs) Organise meetings with industry and publish reports PTB WP 9 leader 40 (40) € Compile equipment suppliers and service providers RAYTEK Compile calibration and testing facilities NPL Compile research institutions CNAM-INM Compile best-practice guides and written standards RISOE Compile legal metrology regulations SMU Compile topics of interest and RTD projects CNR-IMGC22 9.7Compile bibliography Database compilation (sub-contract) PTB 17 € 6 750
WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting Description of Work Tasks 9.0 Determine form and content of the VI, reconcile it with the VI Members and review it with interested parties especially in industry; co-ordinate interrelation with other WPs, where necessary 9.1 Compile a list of links to European equipment suppliers and service providers 9.2 Compile a list of European calibration and testing facilities (in particular, NMIs and accredited calibration laboratories) 9.3 Compile a list of European universities and research institutions with active interest in the field 9.4 Compile a list of available best practice guides and written standards 9.5 Identify those application areas with special legal metrology requirements and compile a list of relevant regulations 9.6 Compile a review of topics of interest and an overview of RTD projects plus an overview of where future work is required 9.7 Compile a list of recommended "standard literature" and of recent publications; if possible, obtain copies suitable for inclusion in a VI online library or at least links to abstracts at authors' or publishers' web sites
WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting Deliverables D9.0 Summary report defining the proposed form and the content of the VI as regards non-contact thermometry – month 9 D9.1 to D9.7 Sets of data compiled in tasks 9.1 to 9.7 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site – months D9.8 Approved compiled data reviewed for phased insertion into the live EVITherM web site – months Milestones and criteria M9.0 Delivery to WP1 of draft report defining the form and the content of the EVITherM database as regards non-contact thermometry - month 9 M9.1 Sets of data compiled in tasks 9.1 to 9.7 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site - months M9.2 Phased completion of approved inputs to EVITherM live website – months
WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting Workpackages/Manpower bar chart
WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting Special features of non-contact thermometers (mainly radiation, but also acoustic, laser thermometers) + no (thermal) contact with the object to be measured remote sensing applications (fast) moving objects (e. g. turbine blades) hostile environments (e. g. very hot or aggressive) + does not have to take on the temperature of the object to be measured fast, non-perturbative method + additional advantage: high-resolution imaging systems available (thermography cameras) – signal may be disturbed on its way to the thermometer – temperature always combined with emissivity
WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting Production and/or processing ofMonitoring, control, steering of metal (steel, aluminium)plant / machinery operation glasselectric / electronic devices asphalt (road construction), cementexhaust foodwaste incinerators paper, plastics, rubberturbine blade temperature petrochemicalsbuildings (heat losses) pharmaceuticalshuman / animal temperature Examples for fields of application (mainly radiation thermometers) + the whole fast-expanding field of remote sensing
WP 9 - To create VI content for non-contact thermometry NPL Teddington EVITherM Kick-off Meeting A special “teaching” objective of the VI content concerning non-contact thermometry Spread knowledge about measurement principles and underlying physics measurement possibilities and error sources calibration and testing procedures novel measurement techniques and instruments novel fields of application developments in standardisation and characterisation of instruments