By: Kieshauna Walker…
It works by harnessing the potential energy of flowing water. Hydroelectric and coal power plants produce electricity kind of in the same way. In both a power source is used to turn a turbine, which then turns a metal shaft in an electric generator, the motor that produces electricity. A coal fired power plant uses steam to turn the turbine blades. But a hydroelectric uses falling water to turn the turbine. They are basically the same!
Hydroelectric energy is renewable because it can be replaced naturally and faster than it’s being used. Yes its renewable because it is harnessed through hydroelectric generation
Hydroelectric energy is inexpensive. The start up cost of building a damn and a power plant to harness hydroelectric energy can run in the millions of dollars. The average cost of electricity from a hydro plant larger than 10 megawatts is three to five U.S cents per kilowatt-hour.
It’s a non-polluting source of energy. Can be easily transmitted through wires to long distances. Dams made for generation of Hydroelectric energy also help in irrigation projects. It has lower operational cost.
The high potential for a big damage to the local ecosystem. The high cost of CONSTRUTION. The size and scale of hydroelectric dams. And the possibility of a dam breaking.
It produces no direct waste.
The map above shows the amount of electricity produced by hydroelectric dams in each of the nations of the world. The United States leads the world in hydroelectric dams, mostly due to its high level of technology and plentiful supply of rivers. Canada, Brazil, and China also produce a large amount of hydroelectricity. Africa and Southeast Asia are not able to produce much hydroelectricity, likely due to a lack of money and technology. Hydroelectricity is ultimately derived from solar energy, by evaporating surface water and returning it to higher elevations as rain and snowfall
Ancient societies used the running force of a river to turn water wheels that turned grain grinders and pumped water. Initially people seeking to harness hydroelectric energy would site turbines at naturally occurring waterfalls. In this way, the first hydroelectric plant was set up and powered by the Niagara Falls in Later, in 1882, power operators set a plant on the Fox River in U.S.A to light up two paper mills and a house. Technological advances and increase in electricity demand sparked the construction of man-made waterfalls and dams throughout the 1900’s but the use of hydroelectric power quickly took a back seat to fossil fuels in the 1940’s.
Some of the best locations in the united states have already been developed. Can be set up in almost any size depending upon the river or stream used to operate them.
It is in the country and they can be available in your community. Yes it can be in your back ground and even in your house if you have a river or some sort of water in the back of your house. Because you can harness water.
The major impacts are associated with dams and reservoirs related to the power plants.