Hambden Elementary Open House September 3, 2014
Agenda Welcome Introductions PTO General Information Presentations in the Classrooms
Staff for Grades 3-5 Grade 3- Michelle Burress, Katie Tyson Grade 4- Tammy Schreffler, Carrie Maronde Grade 5- Asha Dinko, Anthony D’Angelo, Eric Reiter Related Arts- Beth Stickley, Samantha (Brady) Puterbaugh, Jordan Hazen, Beth Petsche Intervention- Tanya Deszczykiewicz, Stephanie Seabeck, Jamie Porter, Rachel Diehl, Cheryl Dipofi Superintendent- Dr. Michael Hanlon Assistant Superintendent- Steve Kofal
Parent Portal Please update your information through the Parent Portal Resources tab
Hambden PTO Corine Casalina- President Kim Poff- Vice President Cheri Hollowell- Secretary Kristie Nelson-Treasurer
Hambden Elementary Chardon Schools- Excellent 12 out of the last 12 years, Received A-C’s on new report card Hambden- Excellent the last 3 years, Received A-C’s on new report card* 247 students currently enrolled Related Arts- Art, Music, PC, Library Latchkey available
School Nurse/Clinic Forms- online Medications-parents must bring in w/Dr. order Emergency Medical Authorization Form (parent portal) Nut-Free snacks and lunches Injuries
Arrival and Dismissal Morning arrival begins at 9:00 AM Parent Drop Off (Morning) 9:05 – 9:10 Students are considered tardy at 9:11 AM Please call for late arrival or absence by 9:15 AM Dismissal at 3:30 Parent Pick-up (Afternoon) 3:25- 3:30 Parking at town hall
Arrival and Dismissal Cont’d Changes to normal dismissal schedule must be in writing or called in by 2:00PM Permission for those other than parent/guardian to pick up students must be in writing School Security Latchkey Registration
School Fees Checks accepted Payment System available at Chardon’s web-site Consumable Fee is $ ALL fees need to be paid in full for a student to participate in 5 th grade promotion! Free and Reduced Lunch Option
Home School Communication Daily Folder The Headlines Infinite Campus- all progress reports and report cards will be issued through IC District Website School Website
General Information Olweus Anti-Bullying Program. This years theme Be a H.E.R.O Chromebooks have arrived! School Picture Day Whole School and K-5 October 8 KT October 9 Conferences November 6 th, 11 th and 19 th ; you can sign up with teachers today