BY: MAYA BROWN Portable Music Players
The beginning The start of personal portable music players started when Sony invented the CD player in Sony invented the CD player because people wanted to listen to music with out having to deal with carrying a stereo or having to be near an out let or in a car.
New Technology: The MP3 Player The German company Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft developed MP3 technology and now licenses the patent rights to the audio compression technology - United States Patent 5,579,430 for a "digital encoding process".
Continued… The inventors named on the MP3 patent are Bernhard Grill, Karl-Heinz Brandenburg, Thomas Sporer, Bernd Kurten, and Ernst Eberlein in But CDs were not allowed in the US until 1986.
CDs in the US Recordable CD-R discs become available in Napster is created. This is also the first year that recording sales declined, and the recording industry blames online music sharing in And in 2001 Napster is slapped with a lawsuit by the RIAA. In October, Apple introduces its iPod portable music player.
The iPod and iTunes Apple introduces its online music store iTunes, offering free music downloads at 99 cents per song in In February 2006, iTunes sells its billionth song. In 2007 Just over a year later, in July, iTunes crosses the 3 billion songs sold mark.
New Generations of iPods iPod classic iPod nano iPod shuffle (next generation of Nanos and Shuffels) iPod nanos that become media players with photo video and games iPod touch iPhone (next generation iPod touch, iPhone, Nano and Shuffle.)