Mobile Applications For teaching, learning and supporting services Marc Bennett Learning Technologies, ISS
Open to all interested parties Self-supporting community Shape ISS Mobile strategy
Newcastle University App ◦iPhone app developed by students for students ◦Continued development and collaboration with ISS
Available for Apple, Android and Blackberry Over 8,000 active users VLE Threshold Standards Administrative benefits ◦Push notifications ◦Post announcements
Responding to blogs Contributing to discussions Peer Review
Compatible with existing tests* Intuitive interface Formative assessments
ResponseWare- Classroom Voting ◦Available for Android, iOS and web ◦Works alongside TurningPoint clickers Studymate- Mobile revision ◦Crowd sourced question banks ◦Integrates directly with Blackboard
Mobile Teaching & Learning: Mobile Services: Learning Technologies, ISS
Corfield, J2012Learner Generated contexts- mobile for anywhere, anytime learning. University of Northampton Scott, P2012Can Blackboard Mobile Learn deliver the promise of anytime, anywhere learning? Hull York Medical School