St. Kizito’s Primary School, Nima, Ghana, West Africa
Welcome to our school! We would like to show you what we do after school: Make art with the Junior Art Club!
My name is Kennedy. I like to draw and paint and play joggling sticks.
My name is Rahim. I am painting a Muslim festival called Eid.
This is our classroom where we make art. It is very hot here!
This is the Junior Art Club president, Kelvin. He teaches us creative writing, and takes us on excursions.
This is Miss Flavia on the left. She is from Rome, Italy. She is the Vice President of Junior Art Club and we like when she comes to visit us in Ghana! This is our Culture of Peace Exhibition.
This is us at our Culture of Peace Exhibition. We had a lot of fun that day!
This is when Miss Flavia took all of the JAC girls to see the slave castles on the Coast so we could learn about slavery.
Here we are at the Cape Coast slave castle. We are glad we know about slavery now so we can never let it happen again.
This is our exhibition opening. We got to show our paintings on Culture of Peace. We want to show you our art!
This painting is called “Get Together” You can see that Ghana is near the first girl on the left, the green country- but really it’s a lot smaller than that! Ghana
This painting shows people of different nationalities being friends.
People from all over the world can be friends. This is a peaceful culture.
This is the winning painting from the Culture of Peace Competition. She showed people from all nations all over the world coming together to have peace.
Thank you for coming to our school tour. We hope you liked it!