Academic Word List Sublist 1 References: by Nohora Escobar
CONSISTENT (adj) PRONUNCIATION: conSIStent. DEFINITION: Agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self contradictory. Constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, etc. He’s Holding firmly together; cohering. SYNONYM(S): coherent; congruous, reliable; consonant; conformable. ANTONYMS: disagreeing; erratic; incongruous, inconsistent, inconstant, irregular, varying, irreproducible, incoherent, heterogeneous.
CONSISTENT (adj) WORD FAMILY WORDS: Quasiconsistent: adj Consistently: adv. Quasiconsistently: adv SENTENCE(S): His views and actions are CONSISTENT. The evidence is CONSISTENT with the defendant’s statement. He’s one of the most CONSISTENT hitters in the league.
CONSTITUTION (n) PRONUNCIATION: constiTUtion DEFINITION: The way in which a thing is composed or made up; makeup; composition. The physical character of the body as to strength, health, etc. The aggregate of a person's physical and psychological characteristics. The act or process of constituting; establishment. The state of being constituted; formation. SYNONYM(S): architecture; build; character; composition; construction; content; design; essence; form; habit; nature; structure. ANTONYMS(S): Anticonstitution.
CONSTITUTION (n) WORD FAMILY WORDS: Anticonstitution: adj SENTENCE(S): The chemical CONSTITUTION of the cleanser. He has a strong CONSTITUTION. The CONSTITUTION of the United States, written in 1787 and put into effect in 1789.
CONTEXT (n) PRONUNCIATION: CONtext DEFINITION: The parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect. The set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc. SYNONYM(S): background, milieu, climate. WORD FAMILY WORDS: Contextless: adj
CONTEXT (n) SENTENCE(S): You have misinterpreted my remark because you took it out of CONTEXT. The course places the history of medicine in a social and cultural CONTEXT. Then the teacher can move from that to a classroom CONTEXT.