CIITS: Implementing the Kentucky Core Academic Standards using highly effective mathematics teaching and learning through technology Presenters: Tim Sears, KDE Division of Program Standards Joan Lake, Pearson/SchoolNet
What is CIITS?
Integrated one-stop shop INSTRUCTIONAL support system Gives educators the tools they need to be more efficient, effective and to improve student learning Supports highly-effective teaching and learning Promotes continuous improvement for students, teachers, schools and districts
Continuous Improvement CIITS Supports
Kentucky academic standards and aligned instructional resources Classroom standards mastery and item analysis reports help guide instruction Classrooms Module Includes a drag-and-drop lesson planner with the characteristics of highly- effective teaching and learning
Assess Admin Module Create express tests or design a test using your own questions Supports assessment FOR learning Includes a test item bank with more than 11,000 questions aligned to E/LA and mathematics standards
Student Profile More than 44,000 teachers connect with 648,000 students Online cumulative folder Using data for prescriptive education
Student demographic and guardian information; attendance, enrollment, and grades; program data School and District Data Module MAP benchmark data (with written agreement) EXPLORE PLAN ACT K-PREP End-of-course
Educator Development Suite Will include Kentucky-developed protocols and framework Professional growth plans Consolidated professional development resources Rollout planned for August with statewide implementation a year later Common Core 360 resources – focusing on standards implementation -- accessible now from the CIITS homepage
What are Kentucky teachers saying about CIITS? Micki Clark, English teacher Madisonville North Hopkins High School, Hopkins Co.
What are Kentucky teachers saying about CIITS? “I have started using the formative assessments to direct my instruction. I love that CIITS compiles all the standards and assessments into a teacher-friendly program.” Jessica Bivin, 3 rd grade National Board Certified Teacher Muhlenberg South Elementary, Muhlenberg Co. “CIITS is the best thing since sliced bread!” Amber Stewart, 4 th grade teacher Hindman Elementary, Knott County
Instructional supervisor is the district Point of Contact
“ The Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS) will connect standards, electronically stored instructional resources, curriculum, formative assessments, instruction, professional learning and evaluation of teachers and principals in one place, thereby improving instructional outcomes, teacher effectiveness and leadership.” -- Terry Holliday, Ph.D. Education Commissioner
Highly Effective Teaching and Learning
What do you need to HAVE… What do you DO… …to plan instruction? Highly Effective Teaching & Learning
How can CIITS facilitate what a teacher needs to HAVE and DO to plan instruction? Highly Effective Teaching & Learning
Expanded Classrooms Module
Kentucky academic standards, deconstructed standards/learning targets Program of Studies ACT QualityCore; World language, library media, early childhood and technology standards Classrooms Module
Instructional resources aligned with Kentucky standards Hundreds of materials from Discovery, SAS Curriculum Pathways and more to come Classrooms Module Read Counting Crocodiles by Judy Sierra. Explain to the students that they will be counting objects like the monkey counted the crocodiles. Give students a pile of objects to count (e.g., blocks, tiles, buttons, beans, etc.). Demonstrate how to pull one object at a time away from the pile. Explain to the students that if they move the objects away from the pile as they count then they will know which objects have already been counted and which have not. This will help them to count each object only once and to know when they are done counting. Show students a picture of objects. Explain to them that they cannot pull these objects away and make a new pile, so instead they can use a counting block to place on top of each picture as it is counted or they can make a mark through each object in the picture as it is counted.
Classroom standards mastery and item analysis reports help guide your instructional design Classrooms Module
Drag-and-drop lesson planner and scheduler Classrooms Module
Find a standard and access the deconstruction
Planning Instruction
Build an Express Test
Formative Assessment Process
Assessment Literacy “The knowledge and skills needed to: (1) gather accurate information about student achievement (2) Use the assessment process and its results effectively to improve achievement.” --Classroom Assessment for Student Learning, 2011
Formative Assessment “A planned process in which assessment-elicited evidence of students’ status is used by teachers to adjust their ongoing instructional procedures or by student to adjust their current learning- tactics. --Formative Assessments for Students and Teachers, CCSSO
The ESSENCE of Formative Assessment “…is relentless reliance on assessment-elicited evidence of students’ learning-status – for teachers to make decisions about adjusting their instruction or for students to decide about adjusting their learning-tactics.” --James Popham
Classroom Assessment Summative Context Decide: What standards has each student mastered? What grade does each student receive? Decision Maker: Teacher Info Needed: Evidence of each student’s mastery of each relevant standard Formative Context Decide: What comes next in the student’s learning? Decision Makers: Students, teachers, parents Info Needed: Evidence of where the student is now on learning progression leading to each standard.
How can the resources in CIITS support teachers in the process of formative assessment?
Formative Assessment is NOT: An item bank A test An interim test (also referred to as a benchmark or periodic test) administered every few months by schools or districts the unplanned, serendipitous use of student cues to adjust teaching
Multiple Choice Items Advantage Can measure a variety of targets. Easy to score Can cover lots of material efficiently Carefully crafted distractors can provide diagnostic information Limitations Guessing can skew score (up to 33% chance, depending on number of distractors). Can be hard to identify plausible distractors. NOTE: used only when there is one right answer, but several plausible alternatives
Using the Item Bank to Design an Assessment for Formative Use 1. Consider users and uses. 2. Identify the learning targets/standards for which you wish to gather evidence of student understanding 3. Select congruent/aligned items to the targets/standards you have identified. Consider the number of items needed to provide enough information for assessing student mastery of each target/standard. 4. Administer the assessment. 5. Use that information to consider next instructional steps.
Expanded Assess Admin Module
Assess Admin Module
Create express tests or design a test using own questions Supports assessment FOR learning and the formative assessment process Test item bank with more than 11,000 questions aligned to E/LA and mathematics standards
Using the Data Assessment data includes standards mastery, differentiation and item analysis
Formative Assessment Make adjustments in instruction Analyze student data to group students and implement interventions Monitor student progress
Access Assessment Results: Standards Mastery