A mini-book by Type your name here
Supply and Demand It’s the day after Valentine’s Day. The demand for candy goes: It’s the week before school starts. The demand for school supplies goes: It’s Spring and stores just put out their summer clothes. The supply of shorts goes: When demand gets too and supply get too, can occur. Fill in the box Select your answers by moving over the red circles to show your choices
Production and Consumption A farmer is also a consumer because he has to buy things like The relationship between the producer and consumer is interdependent because A farmer is a producer because he Them man visiting the fruit stand is a consumer because he Type in your answers Answer the question
Price and Incentives Price at store, $0.40 each. Price at store, $1.25 each. How much would it cost for six yogurts without the coupon? How much do six yogurts cost with the coupon? $ $ Why do manufacturers want you to use the coupon and save money? By offering the coupon consumers will choose and pay for their product, therefore not choosing some else’s product. If the consumer likes it they may buy again, even without a coupon. How much would it cost for three meal helpers without the coupon? How much do three meal helpers cost with the coupon? $ $ Do you think people are more apt to buy multiple quantities of things if they have a coupon? YESNO Solve the math problems Answer the question Ring your answer
Sales and Profit You are an entrepreneur and have decided to set up a lemonade stand on a hot summer day. Although it’s fun just to have a lemonade stand, you also want to make a profit. Expenses: What do you have to pay for to set up your stand? Lemonade ingredients: $7.00 Plastic cups: $5.00 Supplies for signs: $3.00 That’s a total of $ Price per cup Number of cups sold Amount of money made Loss (-) or profit (+) amount 25 ¢55$13.75$ 50 ¢30$15.00$ 75 ¢25$18.75$ $1.0010$10.00$ Fill in the chart below: profits are green and losses are red. Find the total Solve the math problems, highlight losses and profits A calculator can be found: Programs -> accessories