© 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Living System Ministry Why “Works” Doesn’t Work The Limitations of the Works Method
When “works” works The Works Method approach is: Simple A fixed plan Cause-and-effect © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Manmade constructs tend to be: Straightforward Linear Cause-and-effect Using the Works Method when dealing with manmade constructs can be very effective!
When it doesn’t The Works Method approach is: Simple A fixed plan Cause-and-effect © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Living systems are: Highly complex Interrelated Multiple causes lead to multiple effects Using the Works Method when dealing with living systems can be very dangerous! Let’s look at some examples.
Helping starving people People in a certain country are starving. Here’s how we address the problem using the Works Method: I see a need: I hear that people are starving, I make a plan: to raise money to feed them, I do the plan: by raising the money, sending the food, feeding the people, I get returns: I hear that people are no longer starving. Sounds like the problem is solved! BUT… © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center
Unintended negative returns Despite our well-meaning efforts, several new problems could emerge as a result of a food program. © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center